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The Physiological Function Of Oxytocin In Humans And Its Acute Response To Human-Dog Interactions: A Review Of The Literature

Type: Literature Review

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Ever wonder why you love dogs so much?

Journal Name

Journal of Veterinary Behavior

Paper Title

The physiological function of oxytocin in humans and its acute response to human-dog interactions: a review of the literature


Oxytocin is increasingly recognized to have a role in human-dog bonding and interactions, and a positive influence on various health outcomes including cardiovascular function and stress reactivity. This review summarizes current research investigating human-dog interactions and endogenous oxytocin to highlight the potentially beneficial role of oxytocin within human-dog relationships and overall human health. We discuss progress and challenges for the field, including the assessment of endogenous oxytocin concentrations, and recommend avenues for future research.


The physiological function of oxytocin in humans and its acute response to human-dog interactions: a review of the literature Powell, Lauren et al. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research , Volume 0 , Issue 0 ,

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The physiological function of oxytocin in humans and its acute response to human-dog interactions: a review of the literature

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