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Dogs And Cats Can Live In Perfect Harmony In The Home, If Introduced The Right Way

It has been a pet peeve of mine that the animal behavior academic world so often announces a “discovery” of something that has been long known by lay people. They have a tendency as well to dismiss the layperson’s observations as anecdotal and then write those same anecdotes down and call them theories. This story

Dogs And Cats Can Live In Perfect Harmony In The Home, If Introduced The Right Way Read More »

Socialization Sound Effects for Your Puppy

A downloadable very high sound quality soundtrack. No waiting. No Shipping. No Handling Just download, burn to a CD & Play $17.99 U.S   See Also:   Click on Either for More Information  

Socialization Sound Effects for Your Puppy Read More »

Buying a Puppy – Online vs how to do it right!

I remember you writing that “no one gets a dog until Mom wants a dog” and this mom thinks that it’s time we were buying a puppy. How do you feel about people purchasing dogs online from services like Kijiji? JK (London) Hi JK I was waiting for the someone to ask that question. Kijiji,

Buying a Puppy – Online vs how to do it right! Read More »

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