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Spain City’s “Special Delivery” Approach to Motivate Dog Owners to Pickup Poop

Pickup Poop “In the worldwide battle to get dog owners to pickup poop, enter Brunete Spain, a middle-class suburb of Madrid fed up with dirty parks and sidewalks.” They seal it in a box and make the owner’s sign for a “Lost and Found” package. Watch the video below and read the article for more […]

Spain City’s “Special Delivery” Approach to Motivate Dog Owners to Pickup Poop Read More »

how to get a dog to poop

How to Get a Dog to Poop – You Can’t Be Serious!

How To Match Your Dog To Make It Poop Someone wrote me today asking how to make their dog poop in an area it was unfamiliar with while on leash. I told them they were going to be sorry they asked and not to tell Kramer (their dog) they heard it from me. I was

How to Get a Dog to Poop – You Can’t Be Serious! Read More »

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