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Dog stuck in crate highlights rare risk of spot-on flea treatment

October 7, 2009By: Edie LauFor The VIN News Service A veterinarian presented with a peculiar case of a poodle stuck in its crate last week traced the problem to the pet’s spot-on flea treatment. Residue from the product Advantage, which was applied between the poodle’s shoulders, somehow came in contact with the plastic base of

Dog stuck in crate highlights rare risk of spot-on flea treatment Read More »

What Really Prompts The Dog’s ‘Guilty Look’

ScienceDaily (June 14, 2009) — What dog owner has not come home to a broken vase or other valuable items and a guilty-looking dog slouching around the house? By ingeniously setting up conditions where the owner was misinformed as to whether their dog had really committed an offense, Alexandra Horowitz, Assistant Professor from Barnard College

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