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The Fox Farm Experiment – Turning Foxes Into Dogs

You may have heard of this, “A research station in Novosibirsk, Siberia, is home to an extraordinary group of foxes  Border Collie-coloured foxes; foxes with blue eyes; foxes that whimper and compete for human attention; foxes that answer to their names. They are all the result of a remarkable 50 year-long experiment in domestication.” Read […]

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Canine Compulsive Disorder Gene Identified in Dogs

Shares Family With Recently Targeted Gene for Autism in Humans A canine chromosome 7 locus that confers a high risk of compulsive disorder susceptibility has been identified through a collaboration between the Behavior Service at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, the Program in Medical Genetics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the

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Breeding Is Changing Dog Brains, Scientists Find

— For the first time, scientists have shown that selective breeding of domestic dogs is not only dramatically changing the way animals look but is also driving major changes in the canine brain. University of New South Wales (2010, August 2). Breeding is changing dog brains, scientists find. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 6, 2010. Read More:

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