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do presa canaries make good family pets

Do Presa Canarios Make Good Family Pets?

My sister is a vet and she suggest I contact you with this question. My husband and I have a close friend who bred his Presa and had puppies. He was unable to get rid of all the puppies and is left with 2. A male and female. He is stuck with the reality that

Do Presa Canarios Make Good Family Pets? Read More »

constipated dog

Pilling a Dog – Touch Sensitive Constipated Maltese

Hi John, We have a Maltese mix. Niko has periodic bouts of constipation. What makes this difficult is he rarely let’s anyone touch him in any matter. We rescued him in November of 2016. We need to be able to give him something to make him go to the bathroom. Any help you can give

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Puppy mouthing nipping biting jumping

Puppy Mouthing Nipping and Biting

Discover why conventional advice on puppy mouthing, nipping, and biting may be ineffective and harmful. Learn expert insights into effective training methods, avoiding common mistakes, and fostering a balanced approach. Gain valuable tips for addressing puppy behaviors like jumping and biting, with practical solutions for companion dog owners. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to effective puppy training strategies.

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Socialization Classes – Not a Fan

I have 2 Cane Corsos. We do a lot of training and socializing classes. My question is, my male who is 20 months old ignores me at times. Other times he doesn’t. How do I fix this? Jeff Hi Jeff,   I’d need some more information before I could say how to go about fixing.

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Aggressive Doberman

Seriously Aggressive Doberman – Possible Reasons Why

I have a three-year-old male aggressive Doberman.
 We did obedience with him his whole life. The problem started off as redirection. He got into a fight with his brother. When I tried breaking it up, he snapped at me. And I had no choice but throw him down and hold till he gave up. I

Seriously Aggressive Doberman – Possible Reasons Why Read More »

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