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Teaching a Dog to Come When Dog Is Off Leash

A Deaf Dog When Off Leash We have a 19-month-old Labrador Retriever. We would like to be able to take her off leash and let her run. If she is following a scent, or chasing the swallows that fly just above the ground on the soccer pitch, she doesn’t come when called. I know she

Teaching a Dog to Come When Dog Is Off Leash Read More »

Is there more to neglect then failure to provide food, water and shelter?

My friend’s neighbor in Ottawa has a Siberian Husky that they neglect. It is left outside by itself 24/7 all year.  This has been going on for years. It breaks my heart whenever I visit – now the visits are fewer as it is too upsetting to me.  The dog is fed and watered but

Is there more to neglect then failure to provide food, water and shelter? Read More »

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