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When To Put An Aggressive Dog Down euthanasia euthanize

When Should You Put An Aggressive Dog Down (Euthanize/Euthanasia)

When you have a dog that is continually threatening to bite and/or is biting or is only not biting because of owner diligence and precautions and the behavior is unrelated to physical health issues, you have four options. It is more of a funnel really as one leads to the next.

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Another Dumb Idea To Keep Children From Being Bitten By Dogs

WARNING – Long A virtual dog could soon be used as an educational tool to help prevent dog bites, thanks to an innovative project led by the University of Liverpool’s Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) – University of Liverpool. “Meet the virtual pooch that could help prevent dog bites.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 August 2018. Here’s why

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Stupid “Dog Trainer” Tricks

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Stupid "Dog Trainer" Tricks

Watch the video below and decide about this variation on ‘Might Is Right’ Dog Training. Multiple Choice For fear of being beaten, will these dogs learn?: To avoid this garbage pail To avoid all garbage pails To avoid this garbage pail when this human is watching To avoid the garbage pail when any human is

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aggressive bulldog

Aggressive Bulldog and Cats

I have a 4-year-old female Olde English Bulldog. My question is about her aggressive behavior. I have had Xena since she was 7 weeks old and she has been raised with cats and small dogs. Since she has reach 2 she has turned on them, you don’t know when it will happen. She can go

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advice for new dog trainers the client isn't the enemy

Advice For New Dog Trainers – The Client Isn’t The Enemy

In another thread of mine (John ‘Ask The Dog Guy’ Facebook Post) someone I think who may be a dog trainer responded to someone else’s comment with: “I’ve had to deal with people refusing to acknowledge the dog’s they are dealing with . . . All of it has provided me with an appreciation for

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