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Child At Risk? When in Doubt the Dog Goes Out

Dear John, Our daughter and her partner are expecting their first child soon. They are the proud and loving owners of a rather large dog, over 5 years old and probably a mix breed, that has at least one incident of biting another dog recently. Are we being overly concerned prospective grandparents when we worry […]

Child At Risk? When in Doubt the Dog Goes Out Read More »

Food Aggression With a Rottweiler & Hyper Around Babies and Children

Dear John, My husband and I have a 2 1/2-year-old Rottweiler, female. She is an amazing dog. We have two serious issues food aggression and she is too rough with babies. We used to go to training when she was 3 months old. She completed the training and went on to do apparatus training. However

Food Aggression With a Rottweiler & Hyper Around Babies and Children Read More »

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