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Cane Corso

Cane Corso with Child

Is a Cane Corso Right for Me – Asks Woman With Small Children

Cane Corso the Right Fit – Maybe Maybe Not Hi John, For the last year I’ve tried to adopt a rescue Cane Corso, but either they weren’t good with children, or the rescue/shelter didn’t have resources to make sure the dog got along with mine/my children. We finally found a breeder we liked (and was […]

Is a Cane Corso Right for Me – Asks Woman With Small Children Read More »

Beware of Cane Corso Dog

Cane Corso as a Guard Dog – Need or a Want?

Cane Corso as a Guard Dog Hello John. My question is, we are looking at getting a Cane Corso this weekend in a couple days. We have a choice of a male or female. My dilemma is, we have two dachshunds. My boy is 12.5 years old and our female is 6 years old. We

Cane Corso as a Guard Dog – Need or a Want? Read More »

Cane Corso With Dog Aggression and General Unruliness

Hi John, I have a male 13-month-old Cane Corso and I can’t control him when he is around other dogs especially males. When he sees them from far he cries like he wants to play with them, but as soon as he enters the dog park his back hair goes up and start barking and

Cane Corso With Dog Aggression and General Unruliness Read More »

Peace and Harmony

Household With Multiple Cane Corso Dogs Running Into Problems With Aggression

Hi there! We NOW have 3 corsos.. Dad (4.5 yrs)Mom (3 yrs) and son (1.5 yrs) Father and son have lived together since the pup was 6 weeks old. Both are well socialized and participate in agility training and protection class every weekend. They compete a couple times a year and we show the son.

Household With Multiple Cane Corso Dogs Running Into Problems With Aggression Read More »

Italian Mastiff - Cane Corso

Cane Corso(s) With Beginnings of Territorial Aggression

Dear John, I just ordered your e-book. I ordered it because I have a training situation that I need help with. I have a male Cane Corso 18 months and female 9 months. We have been socializing and training them since they received their vaccinations as puppies. Things were going great, the male has his

Cane Corso(s) With Beginnings of Territorial Aggression Read More »

Cane Corso

Will Cane Corso hurt my dog?

Will Other Dog Be Safe Around New Cane Corso? This inquiry came in after the author had read one of my other Cane Corso columns. ( Hi John, I’m currently not a Cane Corso owner because I’m doing as much research as I can now before getting one. I have 2 questions. First, I have

Will Cane Corso hurt my dog? Read More »

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