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Cane Corso

Cane Corso Concerns

Cane Corso Concerns

We took home an 8-week old male Cane Corso who is now 9 months. He has a good temperament in that once he warms up to people he is fine. My concerns are he lunges and growls at the neighbors. How can I correct this? We are considering giving him to a cane cross rescue […]

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My Cane Corso is Different – He Loves Everyone

Hi John, I have a 14month male, Cane Corso. He’s amazing and when I read all the above stories () I just can’t believe it! I feel very lucky. He’s truly a gentle giant. Well, he’s 110lbs so agile. Great with all other breeds and loves everyone. We are thinking of another Corso a female

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fearful puppy

Puppy Critical Socialization, Fearful Puppy and Reputable Breeders

Why Are Some Puppies Fearful? I have a fearful puppy (four-month-old) cane Corso who I got from a very reputable breeder in New York. I have bonded very well with him and he’s fabulous with me he is also very good with my husband and four kids. The issue that I’m having with him is

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resource guarding

Resource Guarding Cane Corso

Resource Guarding in an 8-month-old Cane Corso Reading all your comments about the Aggression in the Maturing Cane Corso is very interesting. Me and my boyfriend have an 8-month-old Cane Corso, everyone thinks he has a great temperament he loves people, children and dogs but where he is so playful and big we are very cautious

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Cane Corso Pig Boar Hunting

Neighbour’s Cane Corso Puppy is a Concern

Hi John, We have a next door neighbour who recently bought a cane corso “puppy”. I have seen it chase kids and pull them down by their shirts, on one occasion snipping at a boy and causing him to cry. The dog is seldom on a leash and It doesn’t seem they are training the

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Shock Collars

Cane Corso Dogs Fighting

We have two male Cane Corso’s (litter mates) who just turned 1 year old. Both are neutered. At random times like when they’re playing, someone comes to the house, etc. they rear up at each other, bark violently & ferociously as if they’re trained attack dogs until we bravely separate them then they’re back to

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