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John Wade Ask the Dog Guy

Affordable In-home Puppy and Dog Obedience Training

A Loose Leash Walk – No Matter What! Come When Called – Around Any Distraction! A Solid Stay – At The Front Door, Kitchen And On Stairs! 1. What better obedience training setting than your own home? Your kitchen where we’ll teach your puppy or dog to “stay” during family meal preparation and eating Your doorway […]

Affordable In-home Puppy and Dog Obedience Training Read More »

Dog Anxiety and Fear of Thunderstorms

Dog Anxiety often occurs during or even before thunderstorms Thunderstorms can create low to high dog anxiety. There are a variety of different things to try to help reduce thunderstorm related fear. I have a very high quality downloadable soundtrack of thunderstorms that should be used as part of your strategy to desensitize your dog. Initially

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Dog is afraid of eating and drinking out of a bowl.

Ask The Dog Guy Pawdcast Simple Cover
Dog is afraid of eating and drinking out of a bowl.

Hello John, Could you please help me figure out why for the last 3 years my 12-year-old mixed black lab refuses to drink out of a bowl and now even a flat platter. She approaches her food bowl with fear as well. If there is even the slightest bit of noise or if her food

Dog is afraid of eating and drinking out of a bowl. Read More »

Thunder Revisited

Dear  John, My min schnauzer, Olive, has increasingly become fearful of various noises – fireworks noises in particular.  She pants heavily, will not settle down, and her whole body shakes.  Her shaking and panting became so extreme that I thought she might have a heart attack. Any suggestions on how to resolve this problem? Eve

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