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Why Dog’s Can Have a Problem with You Trimming their Toe Nails

Trimming a dog’s nails makes a lot of people nervous which can make a lot of dogs nervous. For many dogs, having to hold still, have their feet handled and cope with the sensation of nails being clipped wouldn’t be a problem at all if it someone was “pretend clipping” with real clippers every television

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Dog Scared of Hot Air Balloons and Is Afraid to Go For Walks

Fear of Balloons Hi John: Our dog was frightened by  hot air balloons flying very low. However, two weeks ago whilst out on a walk she came practically face-to-face with a balloon about to take off and since then I can only describe her behaviour as verging on paranoid. The situation is now rapidly deteriorating.  Over

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Border Collie Cross that Fears Thunder Storms

Hi John I have a 5-year-old Border CollieX that hides under the bed when it thunder and storms. I came home from work last Wednesday, and called for her. The weather had been bad, so I gave her a few seconds to get out from under the bed; I called, and called, but no Shelby.

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