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Cocker Spaniel Cross is “wonderful” except he “goes after” bicycles, skateboards and some children.

Dear John, I adopted a now two-year old cocker spaniel/poodle mix and he’s just wonderful, loving and full of life for me, my husband and most people.  There is, however, one problem I am having and that’s with small children. I don’t know if it’s just that he’s rambunctious or what but I have some

Cocker Spaniel Cross is “wonderful” except he “goes after” bicycles, skateboards and some children. Read More »

Obedience Classes (Rottweiler/Doberman)

Hello Mr. Wade, My daughter adopted a rescue dog a female Rottweiler/Doberman cross, about 2 years old. Stella adapted well, has been to 2 obedient courses and finished at the top of her class! My concern is that she is very dominant and recently had a situation while visiting my other daughter who has a

Obedience Classes (Rottweiler/Doberman) Read More »

Dog May be Aggressive Towards Children, Skateboards, Bicycles

Dear John, I adopted a now two year old cocker spaniel/poodle mix and he’s just wonderful, loving and full of life for me, my husband and most people.  There is, however, one problem I am having and that’s with small children. I don’t know if it’s just that he’s rambunctious or what but I have

Dog May be Aggressive Towards Children, Skateboards, Bicycles Read More »

Preparing Your Dog For Your Baby – Myths and Realities Article

This article is available for reprint intact at no charge with permission. It can be provided via a PDF file or html with images. Contact [email protected] Preparing Your Dog for Your Baby – Myths and Realities About the Author John Wade, author of the book “How to Prepare Your Dog for Your Baby” has over

Preparing Your Dog For Your Baby – Myths and Realities Article Read More »

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