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Obedience Classes (Rottweiler/Doberman)

Hello Mr. Wade, My daughter adopted a rescue dog a female Rottweiler/Doberman cross, about 2 years old. Stella adapted well, has been to 2 obedient courses and finished at the top of her class! My concern is that she is very dominant and recently had a situation while visiting my other daughter who has a

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Dog May be Aggressive Towards Children, Skateboards, Bicycles

Dear John, I adopted a now two year old cocker spaniel/poodle mix and he’s just wonderful, loving and full of life for me, my husband and most people.  There is, however, one problem I am having and that’s with small children. I don’t know if it’s just that he’s rambunctious or what but I have

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Worried About Rottweiler, German Shepherd Cross Puppy Behavior vs Adult Behavior

Hello John, I read your column all the time and love it. Just a quick question. I have a Rotty/Shepherd mix that’s just over a year old. I’ve had him since he’s nine weeks old. Since I got him, I and the family has given him nothing but love, tons of socialization to everything and

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They Enjoy Their “TREE”ts

Hi John, My 2 9 mo. old Great Pyrenees/black Labrador Retriever mix love eating wood!! I try to provide them with some healthier options such as bones, chew toys etc. but without going completely broke buying all of these treats for them what are some other options for them to satisfy this inclination for an

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