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Options for an Aggressive German Shepherd Dog – Part 2

Regarding your column: Options for an Aggressive Dog You really are crazy! I’m a Veterinary Technician. Don’t ever say Euthanasia is one of the options for an aggressive dog! Its not. And it shouldn’t be one of your four ridiculous so called “solutions”. I don’t hope to ever see your ridiculous scenarios in your column again. Your title […]

Options for an Aggressive German Shepherd Dog – Part 2 Read More »

Options for an Aggressive German Shepherd Dog

We have a 3 year old German Shepherd. One throw of the rope and she’s a friend forever, if you’re an adult that is. When she gets near a toddler or a small child, she gets very aggressive. Our neighbourhood has a lot of young families and I’m scared to death that if she gets

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Samoyed Aggression – Resource Guarding of Toys

I am emailing you about my 3 year old female Samoyed named Inca. She has always been an overly friendly dog with no aggression problems, and I had no issues with her until I got our second dog Sunny (a female pug around the same age). They get along very well. The only issue is

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Big Dog Too Big to Live in the House?

I need advice about a big dog. First he’s not mine. He’s a 125 lb German Shepherd. The issue I have is with the dog’s environment. Due to his size he has been cast out of the house. When not out the back he is brought inside to the unfinished basement. (He isn’t allowed into

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Jealous Great Dane

I have a 4 months old jealous great dane. At home he’s great but can be a little timid. I had him to puppy training to learn some simple tricks and try and socialize him. Now he has some jealousy issues when other dogs are around and is starting to growl at men who come

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