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Food Aggression With a Rottweiler & Hyper Around Babies and Children

Dear John, My husband and I have a 2 1/2-year-old Rottweiler, female. She is an amazing dog. We have two serious issues food aggression and she is too rough with babies. We used to go to training when she was 3 months old. She completed the training and went on to do apparatus training. However

Food Aggression With a Rottweiler & Hyper Around Babies and Children Read More »

New Adult Rottweiler Rescue Is A Cat Stalker

I am looking at adopting a rescued Rottweiler, named Marge. She is 5 yrs old & a sweetheart. I believe she would be a pretty good fit into our family. Marge is house trained, knows basic commends & very friendly. However, I have a 15 yr old cat, and I wasn’t comfortable with how she

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