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Should A Self-Described Dog ‘Mom’ With Large ‘Fur-Baby’ Experience Take On A Five-Month-Old Cane Corso With An Iffy History?

fur baby pet parentI have been the Mom of two English Mastiffs going on 13 years. My oldest past away and now I have my baby who is four. Recently a family member obtained a Cane Corso. The pup is now 5 months old, left in a crate most of the day, still not house trained and has no manners for his size. I feel like he is abused/neglected. I was informed that the family member is going to try and get rid of him.

I am of course interested in adopting him but have some concerns. Firstly even though I have had good experience raising my own large babies, I was stern about jumping or human approach when they were little but can this be done effectively for a CC approaching 6 months of age? Also with house training, my guys were using the yard as a “bathroom” without incident within a week of joining our home, this is a huge issue and wonder if this CC has a good chance of being able to accomplish this at his age?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


It Depends - Some Variables Are Now Out Of Your Hands

Dear Nancy,

The outcome is dependent on some variables that at this point you have no control over and some that you do, so there’s no hard and fast answer. How well-bred this particular Cane Corso is will impact the outcome. What occurred or did not occur between 3 – 12 weeks of age, the dog’s critical imprint period will impact the outcome. These things you cannot control.

The Disney Movie, ‘the Lady And The Tramp’ Was Not A Dog Behavior Documentary

My biggest concern is your describing yourself as a dog’s ‘mom’ and your dogs as large ‘babies’. Historically I’ve found this sort of language to be a significant red flag. More so when it’s a supposed companion dog trainer that uses this sort of anthropomorphic language, as they should know better, and that they don’t know better is a virtual guarantee they are amateurs and have no business advising companion dog owners.

I’m less harsh in my thinking when it’s a companion dog owner like yourself, but still, it’s a red flag, particularly when the breed in question is one with the potential of a Cane Corso. Additional red flag terms are ‘pet-parent’, and ‘fur-baby’. You may not think such use of language matters but it most certainly does and for many reasons. How you see yourself and this new Cane Corso will impact the outcome.

A Ferrari And Not A Mini-Van

This is a serious breed of DOG. NOTHING like your previous English Mastiffs. In the right hands, a Cane Corso is a beautiful breed of dog but it’s a Ferrari and not a mini-van. In the wrong hands, it can be a gun with a brain. The Disney movie, ‘The Lady and The Tramp’ was not a dog behavior documentary.

Highly Recommended Reading Before Moving Forward

Here is what I was going to say is some recommended reading. Instead, I’m going to suggest mandatory. Some are free articles and other inexpensive e-books that you can download. I would recommend you read all of it before moving forward. You may be just the ticket to turn this dog around but you should know what you’re getting into.

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John ‘Ask The Dog Guy’ Wade
Embracing Science and Common Sense

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1 thought on “Should A Self-Described Dog ‘Mom’ With Large ‘Fur-Baby’ Experience Take On A Five-Month-Old Cane Corso With An Iffy History?”

  1. I had acquired a Lab-Corso that was 4 mo. old. He was an outside dog (enclosed porch crate at night), on a perimeter wireless fence, allowed to do as he pleased. A NIGHTMARE! We couldn’t get him under control. Used a prong collar for walks and it took everything I had to hang on to him. I am a “garbage man” and no weakling! Finally I spent $2000 on in house training for 3 weeks. He was definitely a changed dog when we brought him home. BUT even daily work with the commands he slowly started reverting to his old habits; chasing the cats in the house, lunging constantly on his outside line at the chickens, and outdoor cats, virtually anything in the yard that moved. I even had him chained to a 60# barbell when he was in the kitchen with me and if I didn’t catch him quick enough, he’d take the weight with him after a cat. I was able to let him run in the winter with 3 feet of snow on the ground and everything else on the farm locked up; he was 125#’s by this time. He would come back to me when called, but again, any movement anywhere, he was gone. Tried a handheld wireless remote collar and got the best results with that. But one rainy morning he saw a deer and took off and got to the other side of our property, a barn between us, and the collar was useless. He ran in front of a car and that was the end. If you have a calm environment now, I would suggest you pass on this guy. My house was never the same again after having him.

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