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Puppy Chewing/Chews The Leash?

Preventing Puppy Leash Chewing

puppy mouthing, nipping, biting, jumping, leash chewing

Puppies are like human babies, until they know better (are taught, or learn the hard way) if they can reach something, thereā€™s a good chance itā€™s going into their mouths.

So the best fantasy, (I mean strategy šŸ˜„) is to always supervise, catch, and teach what is appropriate to chew, and what is inappropriate to chew. However, the reality is that you wonā€™t ā€˜catchā€™ them all. Winning 8 out of 10 day in day out is a pretty good day, and will usually get you where you want to go, no matter what youā€™re teaching your dog. However, for those 2 out of 10 times, hereā€™s a tip on how to discourage at least some of the leash chewing.

Hereā€™s a ā€˜Puppy Leash-ette Recipeā€™ that more often than not keeps a puppy from developing a leash-chewing habit.

Puppy Leash-ette Recipe

Keep in mind almost every chewed leash Iā€™ve ever seen that has been gnawed on (or through), the damage was within 18ā€ of where the leash attached to the dogā€™s collar or harness.

What You Will Need

1.Ā  One Quality Choke Chain, that end to end is about as tall as your puppy. Any longer, and it will be noisy on the hardwood floors. Click Here For An Amazon Link To Choke Chains

2.Ā  One Carabiner (preferably locking.) Click Here For An Amazon Link to Locking Carabiner (Hard to find them sold individually)


Attach the carabiner to one end of the choke chain, and your leash to the other end, and voila, you have a ā€˜leash-etteā€™ that in most cases heads-off leash chewing.

Puppy Chewing/Chews The Leash

– John Wade šŸ¾ (

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5 thoughts on “Puppy Chewing/Chews The Leash?”

  1. You seem to know your stuff. My boxer chews on his leash a lot of times when we walk. Like a mouthpiece that football players wear in there mouths, I believe he may be doing it as a anxiety mechanism and also loves to play tug of war. He eats through leashes like NASCAR drivers go through tires. Can you please recommend a leash that will be able to endure this kind of treatment and stand up to the wear and tear?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Jon,

      Ideally, you want to solve not just the problem of having to replace leashes. You also want to solve your dog’s problem. If this is anxiety based we’d have to chat. If it’s once anxiety and is now just habit we might still have to chat. As to stopping the leash chewing from a pocket book perspective, you would make up a very short length of chain with an O ring on one end, to attach a leather leash to and a snap of some sort to attach to his collar. It should be just long enough so that when he reaches for leash, he instead gets chain (something uncomfortable to hold or chew) and yet you still have the benefits of something that is still comfortable for you to hold. You could also teach him to play tug or war and not play tug of war, but as I say that would require a bit of a chat.


  2. I tried the choke chain and carabiner approach. My puppy just puts the chain in his mouth and bites down on it. I didn’t want him to damage his teeth, so I removed the choke chain. –back to the nylon leash, which I have to replace once a month because it frays so quickly.

    1. Hi Ellen,

      It’s doubtful that a puppy would chew at a chain to the extent it damages teeth. However, the role of a carabiner/chain is to act as a deterrent when it’s difficult to supervise and personally teach a dog what they are allowed to chew and not chew. If a puppy is chewing the leash so frequently that the leash has to be replaced due to fraying once a month, a frayed leash will be the least of your problems down the road. The good news is that most puppies outgrow ā€œthe everything goes in the mouthā€ stage of development.

      – John ā€œAsk The Dog Guyā€ Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense

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    2. Hi Ellen,

      I’ve never met a puppy in 30+ years that would bite hard enough on a chain to damage teeth. He’ll be fine. Check with your veterinarian if you want to be double sure.

      – John ā€œAsk The Dog Guyā€ Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense

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      PS Don’t forget if you find that the many free resources I provide companion dog owners via Ask The Dog Guy website ( and elsewhere (YouTube, newsletter, etc.) inform, save you time and, or money, why not buy me a coffee? Click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees

      PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)

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