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Sarah Jay 2DayFM

Tavistock Veterinarian’s Free Dog Training Clinic Promotional Clip

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Tavistock Veterinarian's Free Dog Training Clinic Promotional Clip

Here’s a short clip from an interview I did with 07.7 2Day FM CHGK’s Sarah Jay promoting the Tavistock Veterinarian’s free dog training clinic coming up next week. – John

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Puppy Socialization Related – Why Wolves Are Forever Wild, but Dogs Can Be Tamed

Puppy Socialization is Important – One of the topics I’m most passionate about from an educational perspective is puppy socialization so I keep my eyes peeled for new research. I found this recently: Jan. 17, 2013 — Dogs and wolves are genetically so similar, it’s been difficult for biologists to understand why wolves remain fiercely wild,

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