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Dammit Jim

But At Least Regarding Behavior, We Can Rely On Professionals Like Veterinarians and Vet Techs?​

You Can, But Should You? This is part of a ‘Food For Thought Series regarding the unregulated world of dog breeding and training’. More, but not exclusively for people thinking of getting a puppy or dog so they can avoid some of the more common ‘before the purchase’ mistakes. It’s also for those that have […]

But At Least Regarding Behavior, We Can Rely On Professionals Like Veterinarians and Vet Techs?​ Read More »

ethics amateur expert professional

Questions To Ask The Breeder Or A Rescue Before Deciding This Is Where You Want To Get A Dog

This is part of a ‘Food For Thought Series regarding the unregulated world of dog breeding and training’. More, but not exclusively for people thinking of getting a puppy or dog so they can avoid some of the more common ‘before the purchase’ mistakes. It’s also for those that have a dog and are wondering

Questions To Ask The Breeder Or A Rescue Before Deciding This Is Where You Want To Get A Dog Read More »

Amateur Dog Trainers

Beware The Amateur Companion Puppy and Dog Trainer​

It is a sad reality that with companion dog ownership at its highest, very few companion dog owners (or veterinarians, vet techs, breeders, rescues etc.) have been exposed to companion puppy and dog training associated with legitimately applicable behavior-science. What is being marketed to companion puppy and dog owners (veterinarians, vet techs, breeders, rescues etc.) as ‘science’-based training is almost always at best, loosely based and more often than not, cherry-picked aspects of scientific research that were never intended to be applied in the teaching of companion dog home and outing life-skills. In the controlled settings of an agility ring or obedience ring – yes (to a certain extent). For home and outing life-skills, a hard emphatic NO!

Beware The Amateur Companion Puppy and Dog Trainer​ Read More »

donating to a rescue

Donating To A Rescue? Some Are Rescue Mills

I just read an article about an animal rescue that is including in its mandate the promotion of veganism that reminded me how important it is to be very careful when donating to a rescue. From what I can tell, the vegan agenda wasn’t for the animals (thank goodness – I’ve seen that before) but

Donating To A Rescue? Some Are Rescue Mills Read More »

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