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Questions and Answers

Feeding Schedule for a Labrador Retriever

Dear John, We have 2, two year old Labrador retrievers that provide us with great affection, humour, entertainment and exercise! One has an issue that is food related. He has always been a picky eater but now will often refuse to eat at mealtimes which are twice a day. He will eat some now and […]

Feeding Schedule for a Labrador Retriever Read More »

A Labradoodle and Purely Positive Dog Training

Hi John. I have a 6 year old Labradoodle, probably the alpha male. He was quite difficult to train at doggie school, wanting his own way even when a pup. He recently became more protective of our front door and backyard gate, to the point of snapping at friends, workmen or kids. When someone approaches

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Cocker Spaniel Cross is “wonderful” except he “goes after” bicycles, skateboards and some children.

Dear John, I adopted a now two-year old cocker spaniel/poodle mix and he’s just wonderful, loving and full of life for me, my husband and most people.  There is, however, one problem I am having and that’s with small children. I don’t know if it’s just that he’s rambunctious or what but I have some

Cocker Spaniel Cross is “wonderful” except he “goes after” bicycles, skateboards and some children. Read More »

Thunder Revisited

Dear  John, My min schnauzer, Olive, has increasingly become fearful of various noises – fireworks noises in particular.  She pants heavily, will not settle down, and her whole body shakes.  Her shaking and panting became so extreme that I thought she might have a heart attack. Any suggestions on how to resolve this problem? Eve

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