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House training

Dog Holding A Bog No Stop Sign -

Shocking a Puppy for Peeing In The House

Definitely do not use a shock collar in this manner. That will almost certainly backfire in so many ways and is entirely unnecessary. You can housetrain a puppy to eventually go to the bathroom three times a day in one spot, in relatively short order. It just requires a little while of working with your puppy based on what a puppy is capable of at different stages of puppyhood and some diligent supervision on your part.

Shocking a Puppy for Peeing In The House Read More »

fur baby pet parent

Should A Self-Described Dog ‘Mom’ With Large ‘Fur-Baby’ Experience Take On A Five-Month-Old Cane Corso With An Iffy History?

I have been the Mom of two English Mastiffs going on 13 years. My oldest past away and now I have my baby who is four. Recently a family member obtained a Cane Corso. The pup is now 5 months old, left in a crate most of the day, still not house trained and has

Should A Self-Described Dog ‘Mom’ With Large ‘Fur-Baby’ Experience Take On A Five-Month-Old Cane Corso With An Iffy History? Read More »

how to get a dog to poop

How to Get a Dog to Poop – You Can’t Be Serious!

How To Match Your Dog To Make It Poop Someone wrote me today asking how to make their dog poop in an area it was unfamiliar with while on leash. I told them they were going to be sorry they asked and not to tell Kramer (their dog) they heard it from me. I was

How to Get a Dog to Poop – You Can’t Be Serious! Read More »

Puppy House Training – Ask the Dog Guy’s Cheat Sheat

Puppy House Training That Works Puppy House Training can be frustrating but it can be done quickly and efficiently with perfect structure. The instructions in this puppy house training program are thorough. They’re simple but they’re non-negotiable. You have to do everything recommended because they all make a difference and have their purpose. It’s worth

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House Training Your Dog – 5 Days – Guaranteed

The Keys to Opening the Door to No More Accidents in 5 Days or Less + How to Get Your Dog To Eliminate in One Spot 3 Times a Day! 50 pages – Downloadable in PDF format $14.97 A lot of the dog owners I meet have been frustrated not just by their dog’s behavior

House Training Your Dog – 5 Days – Guaranteed Read More »

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