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fear of thunderstorm and fireworks

Pit Bull Extremely Fearful of Thunderstorms and Fireworks

My 8-year-old pitbull Nala started to become extremely fearful of thunderstorms and fireworks a few years ago. Every summer after the first few storms and fireworks happen she turns into a nervous dog. She doesn’t want to go out past 6 pm. She is constantly looking around “waiting” for something to happen. She starts shaking […]

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Car Sick Dogs and Puppies

Great Tip For Breeders & Veterinarians & Vet Techs (& People That Want to Travel With Their Dogs)

Car Sick Puppies and Dogs I get this sort of letter fairly frequently: “Our dog does not do well in the car. He shakes and drools and vomits every time he goes in the car.” Frequently this is perceived as a motion sickness issue (and sometimes it is) but more often than not it’s a

Great Tip For Breeders & Veterinarians & Vet Techs (& People That Want to Travel With Their Dogs) Read More »

aggressive australian shepherd

Aggressive Australian Shepherd

Hi John,   My daughter has an aggressive Australian Shepherd mix. He is a little over a year old. She brought him home from college in June and he has progressively gotten aggressive. He is a sweet dog-99 percent of the time–but lately without reason (other than a perceived quick movement -ie getting up from

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Calming Your Dog’s Anxiety During Thunderstorms and Fireworks

A lot of dogs suffer from anxiety during thunderstorms and when there are fireworks. I’ve written about it frequently. There was an article recently in Science Daily on the topic as well. Here’s an excerpt and a link to the complete article. “Dog owners everywhere feel a pang of anxiety as the Fourth of July

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Puppy Socialization Related – Why Wolves Are Forever Wild, but Dogs Can Be Tamed

Puppy Socialization is Important – One of the topics I’m most passionate about from an educational perspective is puppy socialization so I keep my eyes peeled for new research. I found this recently: Jan. 17, 2013 — Dogs and wolves are genetically so similar, it’s been difficult for biologists to understand why wolves remain fiercely wild,

Puppy Socialization Related – Why Wolves Are Forever Wild, but Dogs Can Be Tamed Read More »

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