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Dogs and Children

Another Dumb Idea To Keep Children From Being Bitten By Dogs

WARNING – Long A virtual dog could soon be used as an educational tool to help prevent dog bites, thanks to an innovative project led by the University of Liverpool’s Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) – University of Liverpool. “Meet the virtual pooch that could help prevent dog bites.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 August 2018. Here’s why […]

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Words Matter

DOG TRAINERS! Words Matter – Question The Use of Fur Baby and Pet Parent

The first few times I heard someone refer to a dog as a ‘fur baby’ or themselves as a ‘pet-parent’ I found myself scrutinizing the person for signs of mental illness. It seemed such an odd thing to say. I then remembered quite a few years earlier, someone sending me a letter, taking me to

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dog nervous around child

Cane Corso Dog Nervous Around Child

I recently acquired a 2-year-old female Italian mastiff. She is a great dog, acts great around the adults, but something freaks her out when someone is on the floor. She is great with our 8-year-old grandson but nervous of the 1-year-old who spends a lot of time on the floor, she sometimes abruptly butts him

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fur baby

Fur Baby and Pet Parents

This column is a response to a comment made on one of my other columns where I was taken to task for what was described as “The contempt you seemingly have for the “fur baby” type is offensive.” You can find the column and the comment here – I don’t think you need to read

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dog bite children

Blaming Children for Being Bitten by Dogs Needs To Stop – Dog Bite

The ‘Child Safety Around Dogs’ dog bite industry (and sadly it has become an income generating industry for some) is a scam. Everyone capable of critical thinking knows or by now should know it’s a scam but the vast majority of “professionals” turn a blind eye. From what I can tell, because it’s a sexy

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