"Some people have recommended that I put him (Cane Corso) down"
Hello Mr. Wade,
I have a 14-month-old Cane Corso. He a 140 pounds highly energetic, affectionate, and fairly protective dog.
An obedience school trainer told me he would not benefit from obedience school and would have a better chance with someone like you. He has never bitten anyone but has snapped at a few dogs, as well as the vet and the trainer at the obedience school.
Sometimes I think he doesn’t understand how big he really is. I need help to learn how to calm him down, help him to be more of a social dog and able to play well with others, easier to walk, and to help get him to stop jumping up on humans.
I am curious if his breed has some sort of predisposition to any of these problems and if these problems are worth fixing. Some people have recommended that I put him down, but I strongly oppose that view, so any help will be great.
Dear B.C.
If people are already at the point some are suggesting you put him down there’s something you’re not telling me. I know you’re writing because you want to do right by your dog but I suspect if you’re not already in over your head you soon will be. Asking if a Cane Corso is “predisposed to those sorts of problems” and I’m assuming you’re referring to being “fairly protective”, snapping at dogs, the vet, and the trainer is like asking even a casual hockey fan if Don Cherry enjoys sartorial splendor as much as a good clean hit.
It’s not a matter of whether Mr. Cherry or a Cane Corso is good or bad; it’s about Mr. Cherry being Mr. Cherry and a Cane Corso in the wrong hands being a Cane Corso in the wrong hands. If you have to ask if your dog might have a “predisposition” then those wrong hands are likely attached to your arms.
How anyone could have a Cane Corso for even a couple of weeks and not at least Google such an unusual breed seems weird to me. If you had, you’d have learned that you’ve bought the dog world’s version of Mike Tyson in his prime. This is not a breed for the faint of heart.
I’m not saying you can’t get on top of this but you did not buy a “pet dog” you bought a serious hobby. One very few people have the time and the handling skills to do right by. Many of these and closely similar breeds are being given the needle before they hit 3 years of age. Some are finding their way into the news for levels and acts of aggression that should concern everyone.
You can get a lot of things wrong with a lot of breeds and be given a pass. Get it wrong with a Cane Corso and you’ve potentially got a .44 magnum with a brain and no safety. If you truly care about and want to save this dog you’d best get on it with some intense training or get him into a rescue specializing in the breed. Otherwise, I’m willing to bet he doesn’t make 3 years of age either.
True enthusiasts of the breed know where this so often leads and they’re going to be hopping mad not so much at you but at whoever put this dog in such inexperienced hands.
I wrote the ebook pictured to the left for people that have a Cane Corso puppy under the age of 12 weeks of age, but ideally even earlier. In other words, those who are thinking of getting a Cane Corso puppy so they can avoid these sorts of issues.
It’s not a problem-solving ebook, it’s an “avoid the problems” by being well-informed, ebook. – The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes, How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog
John ‘Ask The Dog Guy’ Wade
Embracing Science and Common Sense
198 thoughts on “Aggression Problem in a Maturing Cane Corso”
Cane Corso is a very serious dog. He will try to own you. You must show dominance and he will recognize the dominance and step down. Maybe it’d because I’m 6’6 and 240lbs but my 16month cane corso knows his role in MY house. Dominance / socialization. But mostly DOMINANCE and NO get the ‘ put him down ‘ thought out of your head. That’s a shame you even thought that to begin with.
Hi Bren,
I really appreciate you taking the time to comment particularly as you are a Cane Corso owner. I work with this and similar breed regularly and the sort of problems this person is having appears to becoming more common as more and more people are purchasing this type of dog without understanding what it is they are buying. Over the approximately 30 years I’ve been working with dogs I’ve seen this sort of pattern with certain breeds pop up before and it is never a good thing for the breed or the breed enthusiasts in the end.
I certainly agree with the first part of what you say, that a “Cane Corso is a very serious dog”. As to the solution being “dominance”, I can’t agree or disagree, as the word “dominance” has come to mean so many things and the way “dominance” is achieved/expressed – human to dog has even more interpretations. For some people it is completely tied into the concept of “Might is Right” which I think has its limitations.
As to whether a dog needs to be put down, while never to be taken lightly I’m loath to shame a person for considering it. With one out of two children before the age of twelve being bitten by a dog in North America and the increasing number of Cane Corso and similar breeds getting media attention for vicious attacks we have to be more careful I think before we shame someone for considering ending a dog’s life as an option. Keeping dangerous dogs around is not good for people or dogs. I’m not saying it’s not a horrible thing but when all reasonable options are exhausted and the safety of the owner, household members, friends, neighbours etc is in serious jeopardy, which with a breed as “serious” as a Cane Corso, putting the dog down as an option needs to stay on the table.
Also a heads up, I see it more with males than females but your own dog is only 16 months old. The real challenge with male Cane Corso doesn’t really kick in until they hit about 18 months. That’s when the real “serious” starts with them and until they’re 3 years of age I don’t recommend owners think they have their dog all figured out.
I just adopted a cane corso im not sure if his owner socialized him properly but when we got him to my home he won’t come inside the house he stays in the back yard. if you try to go near him he runs and barks at you. What are some suggestions I can do that will make him feel comfortable ,safe and secure. obviously he’s missing home but I don’t know what else to do
Hi Jasmine,
Not enough information. What’s he doing in the yard? Is he living out there and won’t come in when you want him to or is it just when you’re letting him out to empty out? Send details. Send video.
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John ‘Ask The Dog Guy’ Wade
Embracing Science and Common Sense
Yes ty for this information ,I just had mr cane corso move next door a young lady with PTSD move in says dog is for therapy but she also has anxiety so I’m assuming single mother with children need a protector also Anyway I love dogs but I m 69 an d don’t like problems any suggestions my landlady was attacked by rottweilers so sticky situation but I appreciate the blog shalom
I have a blue Corso she’s almost 8 months and my 30 lbs 4 year old daughter can handle her. That being said I myself have brought this puppy up in my home with all four of my children ages 4-10. These dogs are very intelligent and protective if you don’t train them in simple obedience and follow through with you’re commands every time they will learn to get what they want their own way and try to be the dominate leader. Also just as a not I’m 5’8″ 145 not a big guy Napoleon wasn’t either leaders come in all sizes a good leaders are consistent and have the big picture in mind
Hi Aaron,
I get a few letters like this where conclusions are being drawn when it’s far too premature to draw those conclusions. It’s the sort of setup that often ends up with the Cane Corso owner saying at a later date. “It took me totally by surprise…” and furthermore unnecessarily tarnishing the breed’s reputation.
As you brought him up, I fear that you underestimate the Cane Corso breed in a manner not dissimilar to Napolean’s underestimating in the campaigns that lead to his defeats, abdication and exile.
Perhaps you’re being intentionally hyperbolic when you say that “my 30 lbs 4-year-old daughter can handle her.” For the sake of anyone that is seriously interested in this breed, please ignore such comments. A four-year-old child has barely mastered toilet training and still can’t cut their own meat. To say they can realistically “handle” a dog, any dog, let alone a guarding breed with the nature of a Cane Corso is besides being ludicrous, a huge red flag that the Cane Corso in question is quite possibly owned by someone that doesn’t truly understand the nature/genetics of the breed they’ve bought.
Another enormous Cane Corso klaxon in your message is that an opinion formed about a dog, any dog, let alone a guarding breed with the nature and developmental periods of a Cane Corso, when the dog is not even 8 months of age is one that is the basis of why I get so many problem letters, phone calls and appointments for this breed. The vast majority of Cane Corso dogs will to the layperson behaviourally speaking, be very similar in nature to a Labrador Retriever at the same age. The difference is that when the Labrador Retriever hits young adulthood (approximately 18 months of age) it will still be a Labrador Retriever. A Cane Corso however, should become something quite different in some very significant behavioural areas.
In addition, and on a related note, while I think I get your point and agree with it if I do understand correctly, technically, if taken literally, to say “These dogs are very intelligent and protective if you don’t train them in simple obedience” is completely untrue. Obedience will not impact the dog’s intelligence and more importantly protectiveness. Obedience taps into intelligence and if sufficient creates a relationship where the natural guarding traits of a Cane Corso are less likely to run amok. Obedience is however only one factor, there are others that will positively and negatively impact protectiveness as you call it.
Furthermore, “simple” obedience is not, in my opinion, an option for a Cane Corso. Advanced obedience, to the extent that it becomes the owner’s hobby, goes hand in hand owning a dog of this nature. If you continue on the path you seem to be on I think you will find this out somewhere between 18 months and 3 years of age with your dog.
With regard to your Napoleonic reference, I agree that whether we’re talking about intellect or physical size, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the “dog”. Please don’t let this Cane Corso puppy’s willingness to do do a few tricks for a four-year-old child lull you into the impression that it’s just another Labrador Retriever. To anyone reading this, ditto.
P.S. For a pretty decent training guide for a Cane Corso, I recommend reading my book –
John ‘Ask the Dog Guy’ Wade
Hi which book would you recommend thanks
Hi Paula,
It depends on the reason you’re looking for a book. Can you provide a little more information?
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
You are so on the point. Last year I was given a corso x amstaff puppy by a neighbour .He was 2 months old.I am 66 year old female.
From day one I realized he was not an ordinary dog. I completely fell in love with him more each day.More intelligent than me ,faster than me, stronger than me.Eleven months later after we spent everyday from 5am playing ball games,hide and seek, tug a rope .he would help vacuum and mop(in a dog way) then we would go to the free range beach for socialisation with other humans and dogs.Raw food with kibble twice a day.We practised sit,stay,wait, stop,come, leave,find.
The most trouble after all these perfections was I could not lead him properly and when he saw other dogs on leads on walks he would pull to get away and he did twice.My old arms and bodyweight could not hold him and all commands before performed perfectly went out the window when it really counted.
I was out of my depth with him..
I knew immediately that he had read me,knew my weaknesses and he lulled me into a false sense of security.He was and hopefully still is the most magnificent canine .
I surrender him to the dog home and I donate money regularly to the home they promised to find him a good home with a person who could be a good leader for him.I will miss him till the day I die .
Hi Janet,
Lovely story with what, on the surface, might appear to be a sad ending, but I’d say bitter/sweet. You did something a lot of dog owners fail to do. Once you realized you were in over your head, you made the tough call to do what was best for him before disaster struck.
– John “Ask The Dog Guy” Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense
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PS Don’t forget if you find that the many free resources I provide companion dog owners via Ask The Dog Guy website (http://www.askthedogguy.com) and elsewhere (YouTube, newsletter, etc.) inform, save you time and, or money, why not buy me a coffee? Click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees
PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)
This makes my eyes fill with tears! I’ve got a 3½ year old Corso. He has been the perfect angel through lots of socializing, training, experiences etc. He has his own stool at the bar. He flies WITH me on the plane. He’s actually been attacked a bunch of times by little dogs and each time he has just looked at them and seemed to say, “hey man, what’s your problem!?” I recently found out I’m pregnant at 39! So, he’s understandably more protective. I was talking to a neighbor outside and he all of a sudden darted across the street at a husky. He didn’t bite him or anything, but from his behavior, I pretty much see it no different. This was very out of character for him, but the “seal” has been broken. I’m so very upset about this. It’s heartbreaking! I want to share how commendable and brave you are for your decision! You are a beautiful soul! The love, rime and effort you put in just makes me think of that which I’ve put in with my boy and I’m sharing the feeling(s) I imagine you had in that moment. I sympathize and respect your selfless act of love. May good things come your way …
He wants to play
He’s telling you let’s play get a ball and throw it…
I had the same problem
They want to play
I previously have had English Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and German Shepherd as members of my household.
I now have a 2 1/2 yo Cane Corso.
When I first decided on the breed I spent almost a year reading articles and watching videos on various types of mastiff to get a general feel for the breed prior to picking him up, and boy I’m glad I did.
After much socialising with all types of humans and animals he is a well adjusted happy and playful dog.
It hasn’t been easy as he has a mind of his own and at his current age he is starting to test the boundaries like any teenager, so it’s a daily reminder of who’s the boss.
To us he’s the big loafer who hogs the lounge in front of the fire, acts like the class clown and covers the walls in slobber when he shakes.
He welcomes strangers into the home when they are welcomed.
That said he is an excellent guard dog and I would not trust him alone with strangers he just met.
Its a wonderful breed that is a lot of continuous work which I see always being the case.
We are the lucky “grandparents” of a Cane Corso who will be 7 this Christmas’23. He was the luckiest of pups to have been raised and trained by our son who’s done, and still doing a wonderful job. Our Cane is gentle with all people, though he scares the heck out of anyone who’s afraid of dogs given his size. He had cruciate ligament tears on both back legs and they were repaired with surgery. Very expensive, but we wouldn’t have it any other way—he’s our “grand doggy” and we love him!
This breed isn’t for the faint of heart—they’re a lot of work, but they’ll reward you with loyalty and lots of cuddles!
My Cane Corso is very territorial over the house and those living in it, so we’ve noticed when we have male friends or family members over, she’ll bark at them/try to jump on them if we don’t put her away. She doesn’t have a bite history, but has nipped some who has come into the house.
I’ve dealt with the same thing. Solution?
First of all why didn’t you choose to socialize him earlier and correct him when he did something wrong. I personally received my cane corso from a shelter and at the age of sic months she was snapping at other dogs and people because she was so sensitive. I have never met a 140 pound corso that was not a mix so if you did get him from a shelter talk to them and they will help you ALOT. If he is nipping at this age you are in for alot of trouble because you should have taught him bite inhibition earlier. But if you would have done that then you wouldn’t of posted this so what you have to do is give him constant socialization while being on stern watch. When I noticed my pup becoming really aggressive at 6 months she was already 85 pounds so i looked up a bunch of different training videos and the two that worked best for me were the following. When on walks i got a prong collar and before we used it i let her get used to it so she knows that she is not supposed to pull plus the little pinch the prong collar as causes her brain to snap out of it and through that i could easily control meetings between her and other people as well as other dogs which was a huge problem. If the prong collar doesn’t work i would recommend protection work so he can drain his energy while being strictly taught when to use his bite as well as strength.
John I have a 16 month old cane Corso and he’s really a great dog with one exception…when we go for walks. When I take him for a walk, he always tries to bite at the leash, jump on me, or bite my arm. He never bites down but I can tell that he is getting upset because I’m disciplining him but he won’t stop. He does what I say in the house and when I take him in the yard to play with the flirt pole but walks are a different story. It takes a lot to get him under control and I’m not a small guy. Once I get him under control then he’s fine for another 5 minutes and hes back at it again. What should I do? I lose my cool since he does it so much on the walks and I need help. Is it because he’s still young or is this a major behavior issue to be concerned about?
Hi Tray,
It’s not uncommon for dogs to behave this way when it comes to walking time however it’s usually triggered when during the training the handler moves from a walk to a jog. At that point some dogs seem to get quite joyous and begin to jump up at the handler and/or the leash often mouthing at both. How you respond is somewhat dictated by how the dog perceives the person that is handling the dog. When a dog doesn’t seem to “get it” it’s usually for one of three reasons. First is that the dog doesn’t perceive that the person handling the dog isn’t the teacher. That doesn’t mean the dog doesn’t like or love them it just means they don’t see him or her in that role and so don’t respond to direction.
The second reason is that the handler hasn’t succeeded in getting the dog’s attention before they are providing guidance. They may be doing what they normally have done with success but if the area they are training in (distractions) is more stimulating then the areas where techniques that have worked in the past they may not work. They may in fact contribute to winding the dog up even more.
The third reason is that the trainer/handler has fast forwarded their training and missed a step. This is very common amongst dog trainers and dog owners alike when it comes to teaching a dog to walk/jog/run/roller blade/bicycle on a loose leash with their handler.
I would suggest a little indoor test to do with your dog. Set your watch/phone/oven timer for 3 minutes Call your dog to “Heel” and walk around your home for the 3 minutes. Alter your direction and pace and see if your dog actually knows what “Heel” means. If he can’t do 3 minutes in the relatively sterile environment of inside your home you’ll probably find solving the problem you’ve written about easier to to resolve for both him and you if you lay a stronger foundation and then incrementally add distractions and environments.
I do have some instructions that I send people when the buy my Power Steering Dog Walking Collar that I can send to you if you want.
Hi John,
My husband and I are considering taking in a Cane Corso who the current owner has stated has aggression issues with strangers coming into her house unless they have a dog with them. Then at that point he follows the other dog and lets that dog take the lead (alpha) position. She has also stated that he has bitten about 13 people, 1 being her 14 year old daughter, but has never shown aggression to her or her 4 year old grand daughter. My husband and I have worked with our German Shepherd that we had with almost identical aggression and behavior issues, which we were able to reverse over time. We currently have an American Bulldog, who is very well behaved without aggression issues. We are very interested in working with and rehoming this Cane Corso. We are just unsure, curious rather, the best way to go about correcting his issues and behaviors as we have never worked with a Cane Corso.
Hi Cassie,
In my opinion the only advice a professional would offer someone thinking of taking on dog with 13 bites and that is unsure and/or curious about the best way to go about it is don’t look for advice (or give much credence to advice received) in this way. Work with a professional one on one and select that professional very carefully.
My husband and I adopted a female 16 month old Cane Corso about 3 months ago from my husbands former co-worker along with his 2 year old Beagle-Hound mutt( They came as a package deal) . She is very sweet and cuddly, but she has been showing some aggression signs that worry me. We have a 2 Year old husky-shepherd female and lately our CC has been growling at her when we go to pet our husky or even if the husky gets near us while we’re petting the CC. She growls when my husband leans over her to pet her. Just now my husky went from laying down to sitting on her bum and the CC started growling and making a very aggressive face towards my husky. The CC also growls from across the room at the little hound that she came with. My husky shows zero signs of aggression and I’m starting to get a feeling there might be something going on with them. She also growls and barks at new people when they come inside the house, she has never bit or nipped anyone. When I came home today all the dogs looked like they were in trouble and my little hound was limping. Whenever the CC grows we always ask her to get off the couch or bed and she does. We don’t tell her no when she growls, but we show we don’t approve of her behavior. I don’t know what else to do.
I have a Cane Corso that I do not see how I can keep. He is 21 months old and, as people have said, a wonderful intelligent creature. He was fine until last month when he attacked and tried to kill our shepherd, with whom he had been playing constantly. We have to keep them separated and it is miserable for both. No amount of training would make it safe for the shepherd. He has an eating problem and is on an expensive special diet. If someone without pets and children were to take him, I would continue to supply food as long as he lives..
Hi Joan, Do a search for breed-specific rescue ie. “Cane Corso rescue”. They tend to be better equipped to find the right home for this sort of dog as they’re generally run by Cane Corso enthusiasts. Even if there isn’t one close by, still reach out; they tend to network with each other in sort of an underground railroad sort of manner in getting dogs from point A to point B.
– John “Ask The Dog Guy” Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense
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As someone who has raised and trained shepherds for decades before switching to also raising Corsos, you will quickly notice they are completely different on MANY levels. Not saying Corsos are better or worse, but they are absolutely a whole different ballgame than GSDs. You will find that Corsos are much more aloof rather than needy when it comes to your approval. The biggest thing my wife and I both noticed very early on was that Corsos require more patience because they do not fall all over themself trying to please you the second you ask them to do something. Lots of what we read and heard attributed this to the breed being stubborn, but we haven’t really noticed that to always be the case. Seems more like they just want to mull it over for a few seconds before complying with a command. Having said that, they definitely can be stubborn when they decide they don’t want to do something so you have to take lots of breaks and make learning fun for them when they are just starting. We have found the breed to be EXTREMELY smart, a joy to be around, and completely baffling sometimes. We have not experienced the control issues we read about online so much, but that may be because (like you) we had lots of experience dealing with large energetic dogs previously, so we just approached raising Corsos by doing everything possible to ensure we didn’t give them the option to start down the wrong path. TONS of socialization as puppies coupled with obedience training from day one at home followed by understanding that we were new to the breed so we used our go to Schutzhund trainer for our GSDs, because she also had lots of experience with Corsos when she lived in Europe. Like John preaches here, we have found that a short basic and intermediate obedience class is not enough with these dogs. They love to learn and will absolutely amaze you with how quickly they can pick things up but they will try your patience some days. They are definitely not a breed that you can take to a couple months of obedience class at PetSmart and then expect the dog to be good to go for the rest of their life, but they are funny (wait until you see the Roo-Roos and zoomies at play time), intensely loyal and enormous cuddle-bugs once you become their humans.
Hi Steve,
It has been my experience that when a breed is described from a training perspective as “stubborn,” they rarely are. At least stubbornness isn’t the entire issue. A large chunk of that “stubbornness” is because, as a breed, they set the bar higher as to who they take seriously, and, or the trainer is using an ideological approach such as the ‘All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free/Never Say No/R+…’, treat, treat, treat, something no higher order social species on the planet uses, instead of an approach closer to nature template. Another thing that I advise my clients when they describe their dog as “smart” or the breed itself is considered “smart” is that an IQ of 140 will put a child in jail just as easily as a university. some dogs are minivans, and other dogs are Ferraris.
– John “Ask The Dog Guy” Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense
Visit http://www.askthedogguy.com For A Free Weekly Newsletter
& FREE Brain Drain Activity Guide For Your Dog
PS Don’t forget if you find that the many free resources I provide companion dog owners via Ask The Dog Guy website (http://www.askthedogguy.com) and elsewhere (YouTube, newsletter, etc.) inform, save you time and, or money, why not buy me a coffee? Click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees
PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)
II have a 10 month old cane corso , I had one for 13 years .this new dog seems to nip my leg , hand if I don’t pay attention to him, I had him obedience trained by the breeder, but he only listens to men I don’t know what to do
Hi Cathy,
Was the last Cane Corso you had a male or a female? I often find the males quite a different kettle of fish. As to what you do there are 2 options at this point. The first is try to train the dog. That’s a bit of an oversimplification because there are a variety of factors that influence outcome. The dog’s genetics, blood lines, how good a match those are for your handling skills and life style to mention a few. Finding a good trainer can be difficult. Dog trainers are a little like driving instructors. It doesn’t take much to find someone to teach you to drive a mini-van. Finding someone to teach you to drive a high performance vehicle properly is a little more difficult and that’s more the category of a male Cane Corso. The biggest difference is that in the dog training world a lot of trainers think the mini-van and the Ferrari training is the same so you can find the wrong trainer more easily than the right trainer. Let me know your locale and I might be able to point you in the right direction.
If the match is bad then before things get too far out of hand finding him another home is your other option. If it comes to that it’s better to act sooner rather than later as reputable rescues and good homes don’t take aggressive dogs that are difficult to rehabilitate. I would recommend seeking a breed specific type rescue. Google the breeds name along with the word rescue and the region you live in to learn what your local option are. Don’t hesitate to contact any Cane Corso rescue though no matter where they are located in North America. Breed specific rescues are often linked and one from afar may be able to connect you with one closer or even find a way to help through long distance transport.
We got a Cane Corso from breeder (cast off) at 8 months old who suffered from serious anxiety issues. A trainer told us we should get rid of her as soon as we got her but I didn’t Want to give up without trying. As a previous owner of a Doberman I am aware of the importance of being a firm leader. Our girl is 19 months old now and she is an amazing dog, very sweet. In addition to being firm and sure it is important to exercise your Corso regularly and vigorously. Mine has run as far as 9 miles with me. For us, this dog has been well worth the effort!
I researched the breed in advance before I decided to get a corso. I am familiar with Danes and other dogs as I’ve had dogs my whole life. I ended up rescuing a corso that was on it’s last chance. His previous owner was a drug dealer that was intent on making this dog a fighting animal. The police raided his house and in it they found zues who was badly beaten (by human hands) and starved. They carried him out on a stretcher. Fast forward to me getting him and initially I had a male aggressive and dog-on-dog aggressive and fearful corso. Being firm but gentle with praise and rewards was enough to start the process of turning his temperment around. Initially he would not allow me to walk 3 feet from his side and after a week of ownership he allows me to walk away at least 10 feet before he comes to find me. Initially he would also growl, snap, and bark at anyone coming within 20 feet of me, excluding my child. Now I can pass people 5 feet away and all he will do is pull a little so it’s a work in progress. I was told by my vet to put him down because they had to sedate him to complete an exam and grooming. I was offended, appaled, and angry! I tried to explain to the vet the reason he was the way he was and the vet told me he was a dangerous animal. Did I listen to the vet? NO! Because I know this breed is protective! I did my research in advance and continue to research ways and tips for training him. I won’t give up and you shouldn’t either. Each day I see him become more obedient, flinch less, and want interaction more. He will be a good dog but I will always have to watch him and be aware of his surroundings. Research the breed!
I have a 9 year old Corso female. She’s old & has arthritis. I socialized her with other dogs, people, children & babies from 8 weeks on. She’s been a Great Dog! Now, she’s older & grumpy.
She hates it if another dog gets in her face at the dog park & has snapped! I don’t know why, but there are 2 dogs she hates for no apparent reason.
I leave if I see them coming, or don’t go if they are there. That said, a week ago someone came in with 2 big dogs & a Chihuahua a few days ago. Everyone was in awe of my girl when they watched her run & play very gently with this very tiny dog for 30 mins. Just like people, some dogs rub other dogs the Wrong way. We need to be aware & responsible owners to be proactive!
Hi Connie, I loved your positivity. I have a Male corso and we are having a few issues that we are trying our best to work through. Would you be interested in connecting and sharing what your learning, what’s working and what’s not? Let me know, no problem if not.
I too have rescued an abused cane corso. I knew what I was getting myself into as she came from a drug dealer who was breeding her just to get the money from selling the pups. She had NO social skills and was kept in a basement the first year and half of her life. I’m not going to say it’s been an easy road. I’m an experienced dog owner and she pushes me but she is worth it. This breed must be given jobs and stimulated. Mine loves agility. I agree that this is not a pet dog, this is a hobby. You must spend time with and work this breed. I pray in a year she will be the wonderful dog I know she can be. My only goal was to help her be as mentally healthy and whole as possible. We are well on that road working with two wonderful trainers and taking many classes. If you don’t have the time or money to spend on them, don’t get this breed.
Agreed and well done Elaine.
my 18 month old female cane corso doesn’t show any aggression at all is there something wrong with her? is she just maturing slow or what?
What sort of context do you think she should be aggressive where she is not?
Tim, that’s absolutely wonderful. You don’t want her to show agression. We had a female who came from champion bloodlines and she was excellent, not one problem with her, absolutely perfect, aloof with strangers but friendly quickly once we showed her they were ok. Enjoy! We have a male now, much different story, just means a lot more work but worth it in the end.
Hi John I rescued my CC from the original owner the girlfriend gave her to my sister because the boyfriend beat her and awlase picked on her because she is blind. I don’t think she can see at all. She was 6 months when I got her, now she is a year almost. I walk her alot try to train her for a hour a day but it just doesn’t seem to be working. She barks at every voice she don’t recognize or even if my door opens. She jumps up on people all the time. My sister thinks shehas add. She is awlase hyper I train her alot she knows to sit lay down heel all the basics but she gets to excited. My sister thinks I should get rid of her as do the people I stay with but I’ve grown a bond no-one understands. Im not going to give up on her I need your advice on what you think I should do. The vet says she is a dangerous dog and should be put down I got angry and do not accept to do that. Please let me know if it’s because she is blind and what I should do.
Hi Jesse,
You must be leaving out some essential information. I’ve never heard of anyone let alone a veterinarian label a dog as “dangerous dog and should be put down” on the basis of barking at voices it doesn’t recognize or jumping on people.
Hi John, I have a 22 mo. female Cane Corso and a 6 year old female Bull Mastiff that get along great. My C.C. is a loving and playful dog in our home and I’ve grown very attached to her as she to me. The issue is that we made the mistake of not socializing her which we never thought about since we always had large dogs and never faced this type of situation. We are now unable to take her into the public out of fear that she will bite. She barks at every noise and lunges at the door if she sees someone outside. Am I able to get her to a professional to break her of her fears? I cannot risk someone getting hurt but I want to know if it is too late to do anything?
Hi Anne,
When a dog does not receive the correct socialization exposure between 3 and 12 weeks of age you will not be able to make up for that lack of exposure at a later date in the sense that the dog will not be transformed into a bomb-proof “Lassie” type outgoing personality. There are trainers who believe that they can cure poor socialization by “socializing” however in every case I’ve seen they were drawing conclusions based on the wrong evidence which brings us to what you can do for your dog.
While you can’t socialize an unsocialized dog in the true sense of what is meant by critical socialization much of the disturbing behaviour we often see an unsocialized dog exhibit are what I refer to as “drama”. That is not to say that at the core there isn’t a true anxiety. It’s just that without proper handling that anxiety often gets away from the dog and overtime sypmtomatically gets blown out of proportion. When I say proper handling I mean that when a dog has grown to believe the people they live with are from a relationship perspective more of a great college roommate as opposed to a “parental” type the owner’s attempts to help them develop better coping skills is far less effective.
The other area I focus on for dogs with this sort of condition is to make sure we teach three exercises (keep your leash loose – whether we’re sitting, standing or moving with the dog, come and stay.) in a much more professional way then is usually taught. By that I mean the dogs learn that these commands are not requests – they must do so no matter what. This is taught in a calm environment and distractions are introduced very slowly.
I’ve found that when these things are taught as a job as opposed to a trick for a treat the dog learns to focus on the task and trust the trainer when in situations where they previously exhibited aggression due to poor socialization.
Again this doesn’t extinguish the problem entirely but it does often allow for a dog to have far more access to their owner’s lives.
It is very hard in some areas to find a trainer with a sufficient skill set. I’m not sure where you’re writing from. (Try reading my book.)
I have two female middle aged dogs. A greyhound and an English lab. We researched the Cane Corso before we added a male to our family at 8 weeks of age. His brother who was the runt of the litter of 11 puppies was returned and we took him in too. Best decision we ever made. They are great dogs and have added so much to our lives but with anything good LOTS of time is involved. My boys are 16 months old now and are so great but with very different personalities. The runt weighs 125 and is attached to me. His big brother loves everyone and weighs 150. Both are blue brindles, one is dark and one is lighter. The runt had eye issues and required surgeries on both eyes for disticia (sp?) and cheery eye as well as auto immune issue that is under control. If I had not given him the care he needed as a puppy he would have been put down. People said having two male cane corsos together would never work but they were so wrong. All four of my dogs get along extremely well and we have a loving human/dog pack of seven. Don’t always listen to what others say because each situation is different. Raising two sibling cane corsos together is an awesome life experience and I feel blessed!
Hi Connie,
For what it’s worth the sort of dog to dog aggression that can be quite serious often does not occur before 18 months of age and sometimes as late as 3 years of age. You may not be out of the woods just yet. Sounds like things are on the right track. Good luck.
Hi John, I own a 1 year 3 month old Cane Corso.
I trained him since he was 8 weeks old. He is a great dog and gets along very well with all the family members.
My concerns are that he still pees in a squat position and never shows any guarding instincts. Do this think his behavior will change in the coming months?
Hi Cezar,
Lots of variables to consider before your question could be answered properly. What’s he supposed to be guarding that he’s not?
I have owned 3 cane corsos, never had a problem with any of them..all loving non dominant stable dogs..loving, doesn not need a leash nor any type of correction, just loves everyone and everything
I could have easily accepted what you have to say however you lost me when you say, “nor any type of correction”. The last being on this planet allegedly born and lived so purely as to never need any type of correction died about 2000 years ago. 🙂
Wow. Isn’t that the truth!!!!
As a Corso owner and enthusiast, it blows my mind how many people get into this breed without researching it first. I am truly saddened by the lack of communication from the breeders to the new owners. I was very fortunate enough to have a great breeder who has been very helpful and offered a lot of guidance. This breed isn’t for everyone and I’m very glad you are offering great advice to these people. I hope this breed isn’t on a fast track to a bad reputation like other breeds. Please people do your research. When in the right hands they make wonderful companions.
This dog obviously lacks leadership, boundaries, and socialization. Who took on the responsibility of this dog? Who’s fault is it? The owner of course. Putting the dog down is NOT an option. It is the owner’s responsibility to either find a breed specific rescue that has the experience to work with the dog or for the owner himself to grow a set and learn about this breed and establish that leadership role. If no one claims that role, any dominant breed will take it. Someone has to lead the pack. I am 5’3 and weigh 100 lbs. I have successfully rehabilitated 2 dominant breeds, both are males and outweigh me. Both were already adults and aggressive with people and especially other dogs. Obviously, it can be done! It’s all about patience, consistency, leadership, boundaries, and having positive energy. If your dog has a stronger will than you, clearly there are more issues here. I wonder if he has any children and what he would do if it was a special needs child that maybe was aggressive to others? Would he put the child up for adoption?
Hi Samantha,
I think the person that sold the dog bears some responsibility as well. I had a call last week from a woman told by the breeder that the breed was a good match for her autistic son. The dog is now 18 months old and has 3 bites in (escalating in intensity). While I admire your capacity for ” patience, consistency, leadership, boundaries, and having positive energy” I think it is unrealistic to expect that your skill set is necessarily easily duplicable (or even teachable/transferable) to all people. While I agree that what can be done should be done to keep a dog from being euthanized for aggression I believe the responsibility we have for the welfare of the dog does not absolve of us of our responsibility to our children, family, friends, neighbours etc. that are at risk of attack.
I have a 3 year old corso. Before I got this breed I ready on them for 2 years and I have had experience with etXtra large breed dogs. I have had him since 8 weeks old and even at that he would growl at you for petting him whle he slept, he would growl at you if he had food or a bone. I put him in socializing classes at 11 weeks old and took him to the dog park weekly. I would even hAve trainers come my my home. But as he matured he got more unpredictable. When he was a year and a half he attacked one of my foster dogs. Shortly after my sister moved in with her dog and kids and he attacked her dog over a treat, he also nipped her kids hands a few times not breaking the skin, he was guarding a couch pillow and our cat walked by him and he attacked the cat breaking his shoulder blade, he attacked another dog we got and still will nip at him. I thought about re homing him but I love my dog and don’t want to give up on him. But I feel I have tried everything. Aslo, when he was six months old he was attacked by a large doberman and almost every other time we would go to the dog park a dog would start a fight with him. The dog trainers said it’s because he’s insecure. He never would fight back until he was about 2. Now I feel I can’t take him out around other dogs afraid there will be a fight.
Hello, my husband and I have three kids 5,6, and 7 and have three dogs… a jug, a golden doodle and a cane corso. All the dogs grew up together and are all three and get along great! When our cane corso hit about 3 years old he would start to growl at my kids… not all the time but only certain instances.. he gets excited if we go out and come home he wags his tail and loves seeing us. We put him through three weeks of training with a trainer but I totally agree with everything you are saying he really needs to be worked ALL the time. We love him so much but I would never trust him around people he doesn’t know unfortunately. Before he hit three we could have people over and he loved everyone and I never had to worry about him. Now I feel like he has a job to do and that is protecting us from everyone and everything possible which is good but at the same time we really have to watch him. I hate shock collars but I was wondering if this would help him with training him to be nicer to people and his dominance?
I will also purchase your book because the more information you have on this breed the better. We love him so much and will do whatever we have to do to help him. He is our family And we will never give up
On him… I hope people realize this breed could be very dangerous if not in the right hands… thank you!
Hi Kristen,
I neither love, nor hate ‘shock’ collars. Shock, e-collars etc. are tools and like all tools the problem is less the tool itself than it is the fool at the end of the tool. The reason you and so many others ‘hate shock collars’ is likely related to the reality that nine out of ten times they are used in a highly aversive hand of God manner by people (dog owners and dog trainers) that have no business picking one up.
However, this isn’t evidence that e-collars are bad. To hate them for this reason is a logical fallacy. Not the tool, it’s the fool at the end of the tool. If the way our veterinarians wielded their scalpels resulted in 9 out of ten ugly outcomes we’d hate scalpels the way e-collars are often reviled.
For those that think or say that an e-collar can not contribute in dog training the way a scalpel might to healing a dog, I would suggest that their ‘thinking’ is being influenced by one or more cognitive biases, rather than critical thought. In properly trained hands, however, scalpels can and do play a role in a positive manner. ‘On paper’ at least, so can an e-collars. The key is properly trained hands.
The problem is finding those hands. It’s very very hard to find someone trained to properly use an e-collar. In the unregulated dog world anyone can manufacture, sell or purchase and call themselves an expert and as result e-collars do a lot more ugly ‘cutting’ than contributing towards ‘healing.’
It’s very very easy to find ‘trainers’ that say they are ‘trained’ experienced, knowledgeable to properly use an e-collar. Most, I wouldn’t even let pick up a leash. The average companion dog owner will not be able to tell the difference and so unless the companion dog training world is no longer dominated by amateur ‘All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free/Never Say No/R+…’, treat, treat, treat or ‘Might Is Right’, Alpha, Pack Leader, Dominant (Yank and Crank) companion dog trainers, e-collars are doomed to being more hated than playing a legitimate role in providing companion dogs more widespread off leash access to their owner’s worlds. Perhaps, until there is some sort of regulation introduced into the companion dog training world this is best.
If, and I repeat if, you can find someone that knows how to use this tool in a way that your Corso, jumps up and wags his tail every time he sees it, (as opposed to running and hiding if you even pick up the television remote) and can hire them to teach you how to use one, it can be an asset. In some cases, an invaluable asset.
Unlike the training required to properly use a scalpel, an e-collar is less complex. However, it’s complex enough that I don’t recommend ‘winging it. Even purchasing a quality e-collar isn’t easy as most of those sold are better marketed than they are properly and safely engineered. Contact me if you want further guidance.
John ‘Ask The Dog Guy’ Wade
Embracing Science and Common Sense
I feel like I lucked out with my cc. I rescued him from a bad situation at 9 yrs old. We was locked in a room for most of his life. He is truly the best dog. He is well aware that I’m his pack leader. More lazy then anything. But will definitely protect me or his yard. I have socialized him with people and other animals. I still make sure he is in my control when meeting people. Some he likes some he doesn’t. I refuse to lock him away when I have guests. I tell everyone who hasn’t been to my house before to ignore him. If he likes you he’ll be your best friend. If he doesn’t he just ignores them. And no one is allowed to pet him until he accepts you. He is truly the best friend a person could have. He is now 11yrs old
I rescued my cc at 9 yrs old from a bad situation. He was locked in a room most of his life. He is a great dog and my first cc. He is mostly a lazy lap dog but will protect me and his yard if need be. Had a guy run up on the porch that he didn’t know and was wildly barking and growling. I yelled uah uah (we use sound commands) and he instantly backed off and came to my side. He knows that I am his pack leader. I also refuse to lock him up if I have company. I tell people who have never been to my house that I do have a big dog and to just ignore him and do not pet him until he warms up to you or if he doesn’t like you he will ignore you and lay at my feet. I feel so lucky to have a great dog that is my best friend
I’ve been showing Corso in both obedience and conformation for about ten years, and I’ve owned the breed for about six years. I absolutely agree with the Ferrari analogy….a Ferrari is not a bad car, but the average driver has no idea how to handle one. Being a firm but gentle leader does not necessarily rely on physical size and intimidation (I’m 5’4″ and barely outweigh the average male corso). They’re looking for a quiet self assured leader who conveys calm. They can watch you and know ” Ah, she’s got a handle on things, I can sit back and not worry”. Are they predisposed to being protective and teritorial? Absolutely. They’re a 120 – 130lb guardian dog. They have been bred for centuries to exhibit a certain type of behaviour. What’s they need is a firm leader who makes it clear when and how they should channel that instinct. Please, please, please interview trainers before you ever consider this breed and be wary of corso that have behavioural issues you have no experience with. If you’re not a mechanic or have experience with performance cars, maybe a Ferrari that sometimes brakes and sometimes doesn’t isn’t the car for you….
I have a 6 year old male / had a female before him she was just terrible mean ( we did end up putting her down at 1 year) . I work for a vet for 28 years now have seen all types of dogs…I wish I could make people understand that these dogs are breed this way / people always try to say its the owner but as a cc owner these dogs are a bomb ready to go off! First of all I have learned first hand and people disagree but these and other breeds of this aggression should be neutered at 5 months atleast this helps the males ! But I took my dog to work everyone played with him I took him in and out of different doors at work , we put him on the table ,we had him in cages ,everyone pet him ,this did help he has never tried to bite anyone at the vets office (people take your dogs, not just for shots!) Anyhow he is very aggressive at home we lock him up if anyone comes he does not know and he hates, hates kids???? We lock him in a room if kids come with a lock on the door. This is something we have not ever been able to stop him from doing and can not chance it. I just really want people to know that this is the breed….This dog is a weapon / you can not trust them for 1 minute in a new situation . It takes a strong person very strong ..
I have had Corsos since 98. There are a lot of poorly bred Corsos out there with unstable temperaments. Careful research needs to be done before purchasing.
This is soooo true ! People need to be aware …
I have a two year old Cane Corso that we adopted from the breeder as a puppy. He was a tiny runt with a cleft palate. As I read about the breed one thing stuck in my mind “socialize early and socialize often or they will become shy”. He grew up with my grandkids, neighbor kids, and an assortment of dogs. We started puppy class at 12 weeks. He now excels in obedience (4 titles), search and rescue, and AKC tracking. He passed his herding instinct test and has dabbled in agility. He is the best companion dog I have ever had and is greeted warmly at all local restaurants and shopping malls. We are working on our therapy dog certification. I agree that this breed is not for everyone. They are very smart and loyal and need a job that challenges them both mentally and physically. The judge’s comment on his herding instinct test sums it up: “Very nice dog, kind but powerful”. That’s my boy!
Hi John, I am concidering getting a cane corso and I own 4 chows right now—3 are males and 1 is female–any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi Lisa,
Wow! Just wow. Whereas having a dog or two is having a pet, four chows would be enough work that I would consider it more of a hobby and now adding a Cane Corso to the mix is getting closer to having another full-time job. How did you find the time?
Cane Corso is the best breed you can wish for. Have 2 now. You have a typical Cane Corso who is very protective. Btw tell yo the trainer who said u can’t changer his behavior to go and train rabbits! Such an ass!
First of all, find a trainer who knows mastiff. They are not like the rest common dogs. They are awesome! When u learned how to control your dog, u would never wish to have any other breed. Trust me. Join the Cane Corso group on Face Book. We will help you to change him in an amazing dog, as like true Cane Corso is.
Here is the fee groups u can join
CC de eduacatinal group
CC in deep mentoring
You will meet people ( many, many people) who love this breed and dedicated their life to it.
Trust me you choice of the breed is right. You just need to learn how to work with you dog.
Good luck.
While I admire your enthusiasm for the breed, I admire it only up to a point as I may be wrong but I get the impression that it approaches blind enthusiasm where we don’t take in to consideration that the Cane Corso breed is not for everyone and that some people simply do not have and will never have the life style, handling ability, training skill etc. to be a good match then disaster could be very well on the horizon. Sometimes when a trainer (good trainer) says that “you can’t change a dog’s behaviour” they don’t mean that the dog’s behaviour can’t be changed, they mean the dog’s owner is unlikely to have what it takes in other words they can’t change the dog’s behaviour whereas someone else might. Giving that advice might well save the dog’s life. I typically recommend a Cane Corso breed specific rescue.
I think most enthusiasts for this breed understand that blind enthusiasm is not good for the breed. I have found that people in ever increasing numbers are learning that they are in over their head. (One just the other day contacted me – 18 month old male, 3 bites in – sold to her by a breeder that assured her the breed was a great match for her autistic son.) I believe those involved in Cane Corso specific rescue will back this up. I love your suggestion regarding joining groups. I don’t think the Cane Corso is as much a pet as it is a considerable hobby and the more information you have the better decisions you’ll make for the dog.
I have a 100 pound female Corso. 4 years old, my absolute best friend. But I have to say the first two years are very tough with this breed, and I would consider it almost impossible for anyone living in a apartment/town home/condo. Unless you are well versed with big aggressive guarding breeds, and I’m not talking about pit bulls. These dogs are difficult to bring to heal, and I grew up on a ranch with working dogs. A corso will not only be one of the most stubborn animals you have ever met, but will bulldoze you if you don’t maintain the dominant role. As John mentioned, these dogs tend to mature late. So don’t think because your puppy gets along with everyone, you have a big softy on your hands. You do not, Corso are extremely athletic for their size. I’m a good sized man, over 225lbs and I have to stay vigilant at all times while walking my girl even now. She bends to my will sure, but this breed of dog will get after any perceived threat. Walking down a hallway and a door suddenly bursts open? I hope you have a tight grip on that collar, and a dog who will heal when commanded. Otherwise get ready for Carnage, a court date, your dog put down, and a hefty fine.
This breed should never be off leash in a public area unless you are extremely confident in your command of the situation. I spend countless hours with my Corso, socialized her very well. But when she hit adulthood, man was it stressful. I’m sorry to be redundant, but if your on the fence about your ability to be the Alpha. Then do not even consider getting this breed, by Alpha I mean firm, confident, and experienced with large aggressive dogs. Think along the lines of American Bulldogs, Rott’s, Dobermans, other Mastiff Breeds. Corso’s are probably more in tuned to guarding than any of these well known breeds, excluding Dobermans who make great guard dogs in my experience. But a large Cane Corso is much more stubborn than a Doberman, and a hell of a lot more powerful.
If you have the time, energy, temperament, and affection (these dogs are very attached to their families, and need lots of love as well). Then congrats, this is a amazing breed worthy of praise.
I felt like I should also mention that there are not that many reputable dealers in the US. If you do your research, you’ll find a few that have authentic documented Italian Blood Lines. Please understand that even what they call a Pet Quality Corso (meaning these reputable breeders usually sell many of the liter to Corso people, people who plan to show the dog, or people who want a Guard Dog, that are capable owners). My Corso is from a great line but was the runt, and considered pet quality mostly because she didn’t have perfect conformation (front shoulders are a little off). These dogs are expensive, if someone is offering Corso pups for a few hundred dollars forget about it .
I am self employed, lived on a 600 acre ranch, and had tons of time to devote, as well as quite a bit of experience with dogs. I was very overwhelmed when my cute puppy started growling at anyone who walked near me. When before adulthood she loved everyone.
I’m not what you would call a enthusiast, but Corso need someone who really is going to go all the way. They are an amazing breed, if you gain this dogs trust, and it has confidence in you I can’t think of a better Guardian Breed. But always remember that even if you get through the hardest part, which is establishing yourself as the dominant one. You now have a 90-150 pound best friend, a best friend that is more vigilant when protecting its family than any dog I’ve seen ( I’ve witnessed much more territorial dogs, but never one who analyzes every person or thing that comes in your direction)
This is not a dog to ever keep in the house with small animals, you do not want it off leash when your kids and friends are rough housing, a corso is extremely protective of family. God forbid a adult your corso doesn’t know makes a wrong move around your kids. These dogs will fly into defense mode (in the Corso world the best defense is a great offense).
I’ve been around Dogo Argentino, when I lived in Miami, many APB’s, tons of cattle dogs, labs, Rott’s, my aunt had two large Dobermans. All great dogs, Corso may not have the animal aggression of some of these other breeds (specifically I don’t find them all that dog aggresive). They are man stoppers, not to mention they have a strong prey drive. True story: I had just rolled onto my family’s ranch, mid day. My Corso was in the back. I had the windows rolled almost all the way down, my girl just loves the air but I usually only roll them down that far when near home. All the sudden, a Big raccoon runs right in front of my car. I’m driving slowly around 5mph, well guess what happened. Before I had a chance to even think, my Corso jumped straight out of the back window in full flight. Hit the ground hard, no yelp only one thing on her mind. The ranch has one less Raccoon, and I learned a valuable lesson. This dog had been panting, toungue out, in dog heaven because she loves going for little rides. In an Instant the killer instinct came charging out, raccoon had no chance. My dog didn’t have a scratch, just a little scrape from hitting the asphalt when she jumped from my Jeep. Now imagine that was a kid on a skateboard, and your starting to get a idea of how quickly things can go wrong with a Corso. Thanks for letting me vent a little John. I have never had a better dog, but like your sports car analogy (which was spot on). I would compare giving a Corso to a unprepared owner, to the gun range instructor who gave the little girl a fully automatic Uzi. Most people can handle a 22 or 9mm, even if it’s there first time shooting. Well Labs and Collies are your 22’s, Corso, Neo Mastiff, Dogo, Kangal, Tibettan Mastiff, Caucasion Orv, these dogs are only for the well versed. They are fully auto ass kicking machines .
Thanks again John, I enjoy reading your blog.
GREAT Input Jared!
– John Wade
This is 100 percent right!!!
Jared you hit the nail on the head when you said in an instant…..the killer instinct came out…what if it was a child> These dogs are a loaded weapon / you need control every second..
I’m currently not a cane corso owner because I’m doing as much research as I can now before getting one. I have 2 questions. First, I have an 8yr old downer dachshund (meaning she’s handicapped from her 2 hind legs & uses a wheelchair), can a puppy cane corso, that grows up trained eventually harm her in any way? Second question, I love dobermans as well. If I were to get both a doberman & corso, as puppies & trained together, will they grow to to be a pack together or will 1 try to harm the other? I don’t think I could handle 1 trying to dominate & kill the other. I figured if they are raised together they should do fine, right?
Thanks for your help!
Hi Lena,
My reply can be found here: http://www.askthedogguy.com/will-cane-corso-hurt-my-dog/
We have an 8 month old female Corso; can someone recommend some Corso groups for us to join? So far so good, but if we come across any problems, I would like to have a few experienced owners to chat with. Thanks in advance!
This would be a great resource and very useful to people! This column gets a ton of hits so I know people are looking for helpful resources.
I have owned Corsos for well on 30 plus years now, you should all do yourselves big favors and never and I mean never ever ever play tug of war with your corso or any aggressive style games period. Fetch and similar style things are fine but never anything aggressive and also never hit a corso but for that matter never hit a dog period. Best of luck to you all. And just for reference this is a breed that almost went extinct in the 1970s and is really a farm dog that could only be found in puglia Italy, it’s really meant as a farm dog and really should not be raised in a town.
Thanks for the input Jake. I can’t agree with the tug of war across the board perspective though. I’m not sure I’d want a dog that I hadn’t trained well enough to accept when I said the game is over the dog understands that it’s over. I suspect that when a person hasn’t that level of control over their dog they may very well be into having the wrong dog. I’ve certainly seen that. I remember in a scent detection class a client with a nice Doberman was switched to an end of search reward of a tug it’s drive went through the roof (which I think is your concern) and the owner couldn’t shut the dog down once it got going (again – I think your concern). I didn’t have any problem and it was a great bridge for the dog achieving its next level. I think it was more wrong owner for the dog rather than the wrong activity.
– John Wade
and just for reference this is a breed that almost went extinct in the 1970s and is really a farm dog that could only be found in puglia Italy, it’s really ment as a farm dog and really should not be raised in a town.
First, thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread. It’s been very informative for me and I appreciate it!
Second, I recently took in a Cane Corso from a shelter. I’ll give you the facts about him before I go into the behavior.
– no background known
– 10-12mos old
– found as a stray
– scheduled to be euthanized at the shelter after 10 days due to overfilling
– sweet disposition and playful with other dogs at the shelter (no surprises since most dogs aren’t themselves at a shelter)
Now to the behavior…he is crate trained, potty trained, and leash trained. Sounds like a dream, right? Well his issue is with other dogs, he’s aggressive towards them. The first incident happened when he saw my Great Dane – just a total eruption of fear, aggression, and anxiety. I could tell that he was not in a good mental state. Given my Dane’s experience with foster dogs and the shelter’s assurance that he was comfortable with other dogs, I didn’t think we’d have an issue – maybe a hiccup or two. Especially since the shelter has historically been very truthful with their assessments. Since his first day roughly three weeks ago, however, he has made huge strides – at least in my eyes. He and my Dane can co-exist in the room together, there are no growls when the Corso is in the crate and my Dane walks past. Even while walking on the leash his reaction to other dogs isn’t as drastic and he is becoming more accustomed to the sounds of busy streets. My question for you Mr. Wade (and anyone else willing to contribute) is how can I keep the progress going so that he eventually learns to be at peace when he sees another dog or a new human? Right now, I have really just been wearing him out with long walks before training him and I believe it is working. My training experience has been with Danes and Mastiffs, which can be difficult, but the Corso similarities to those two seems to end at the fact that they’re all ‘big’.
I have sought out a professional behaviorist in the area and after the consultation she recommended euthanasia. I am being 100% truthful when I say that there was no red-lining at the consultation of any kind. I believe her recommendation came from her previous experiences with some Corsos and she just kind of threw in the towel.
So, what can I do to keep this dog on a positive path? Any training techniques you can recommend? I believe he knows I’m the boss at this point after all the walks and training sessions. I’ve seen too much goodness in him to believe that he is a good candidate for euthanasia.
If you have any questions, or need some clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Just adopted my cane corso male. Almost 3 yrs old. He is amazing big baby. Has an amazing family. Del dauni conan is his grandfather. Mother is dual champ. Was raised with kids and other dogs. He get along great with my female border collie and my 3 kids. 3Yrs old 1yr old and a new born. He loves everyone he meets. He’ll bark and howl when you come over but once he sees everything’s ok he’s calm. He follows me everywhere. Also he is just an atention hog. But I know he came from a good breeder and a great family. Best trained dog I’ve met. Capone is a wonderful family dog. If I didn’t know the breed and trust my gut I wouldn’t have got him. Every meeting just went better than I thought it would. It was meant to be I guess.
Hi Dan,
Congratulations with a word to the wise (just because I like to make sure everyone dots their i’s and crosses their t’s with this breed and because I’ve worked with enough to know where things sometimes go wrong, especially if early intervention will prevent it) as you mentioned you just adopted him. I tell everyone this that gets an older dog, not just the Molossers. The first period you have an older dog doesn’t always reflect the dog’s complete nature. There are usually hints if you know what to look for. It’s sort of like if I was going to visit for an extended period of time. In the beginning you might write a fried as you’ve written me with a similarly glowing description. However a bit down the road you might come home and there I would be raiding the fridge in my underwear and think – “Ah the real John reveals himself.” It can take any dog including a Cane Corso a bit to settle in enough before their property guarding instincts pop up. It’s best to keep up with training that emphasizes you are the teacher, he is the student and that the house he’s in is yours, and that he just gets to live there.
Good luck
I read through all of these posts, and to say the least I feel that most are over blowing this breed by a wide margin. Now granted I have never rescued an abused or poorly bred Cane Corso, but I am on my 2nd male and I have never had a problem. I don’t think they are different than any other large breed of dog. Again I did get mine through reputable breeders, and raised them from young puppies. I’ve had large dogs my entire life including a pit mix, shepard mix, rott, and 2 corso’s and I wouldn’t say the Corso breed is any more difficult than any of these other breeds. My first male was 3 years old when I had my first child and couldn’t have been better with the kids, even though he wasn’t raised with any. I brought 3 babies home with him there and they crawled all over him and he was excellent. I’m on my 2nd male now and again he couldn’t be a better dog. If you get almost any breed of dog from a reputable breeder and treat it and train it properly you shouldn’t have any issues at all. Of course if you mistreat, or don’t train your dog you can run into issues, but that goes for any breed.
Hi Joe,
I would add socialize properly to your list (reputable breeder/train properly) but can’t agree entirely that large dog = large dog. Genetics and accompanying intensity varies considerably amongst many of the larger breeds and even amongst the Molosser breeds themselves.
Thanks for the reply. Makes perfect sense what your saying. I’m hoping he stays as he was with the other owners. I had him visit a few times alone at my house. About a month of visits before he came home for good. I definitely try to let him know I’m the boss. He has already tried pushing me around and testing his limits. Trying stuff he couldn’t get away with in his other home. On the couch,in the kitchen. I am stern but gentle and hope he knows his place in the home. I did a lot of research and try to keep up on the training. He’s basically a toddler iny eyes? We’ve had other dogs but not big ones. I did,have a rottie who was a bit,food agressive and he came around pretty quick seemed like with just talking. Kinda weird but they get. Mostly our facial expressions I think. Is that right? Capone the corso is a big boy and I hope he stays a good guy. He’ll be 3 in Oct. Is there demeanor pretty stable at that age? I tried a lot of,reading and have been interested in the breed along time. Just never wanted a puppy because I am not a good trainer. But Capone is very well trained and listens to me. I can tell him sit stay,leave room for 10 min come back and he won’t move till I tell him to. Could that just stop one day. Do they change a lot out,of no where? Also he took to me and my family much quicker then he usally does I was told by old,owners. Also the,breeder was involved. Even had me sign a contract. It was a long process but worth it. Any tips or,advice from anybody I’d love to hear it. Any personality changes all of a sudden?any idea why it happens?
I will get straight to the point. I found n 8 week old corso from a local rescue. saw pictures of the dad, but didnt have much of a back story other then the person didnt have resources to take care of a corso litter. When I went to get the puppy, it was tiny and actually barley 6 weeks old! Additioanlly a little undernourished and supper clingy so far. Had I known he was taken from the mother this young, I probably would have not rescued it, but at this point it was too late.
my question is, what are my chances of having a stable family gaurd dog coming from unknown background and departing the mother so young?
Hi Thomas,
It’s a roll of the dice as far as genetics goes but that still leaves socialization and training and that’s entirely in your hands. I recommend you first focus on socialization. You have up until the pup reaches approximately 12 weeks of age +/- a week or so. I would recommend you read up on what that means because there’s more misinformation than good information available. For starters read my e-book – Socialize Your Puppy for Everything http://store.askthedogguy.com/ebooks/.
As far as training read my book The Beautiful Balance – Dog Training with Nature’s Template http://store.askthedogguy.com/ebooks/. There are some great tips that will help you directly and in the future if you decide to get outside training help you’ll know what to look for in a trainer for your Cane Corso and what to beware of.
– John
I have just got a 3 year old Cane Corso,had him for 4 weeks now,at first he was very hard work to take for a walk,pulling all the time,but now he is very good on the lead,when I got him I was told he was not good with other dogs,so I kept him away from dogs,well this morning while out walking him a small jack Russel come out of now where,and my dog was just like a puppy with the other dog,just wanted to play,I have noticed he will only bark at dogs that bark at him,otherwise he takes no notice of other dogs,brilliant in doors,so friendly and does as he’s told,is it possible where he’s had no contact with other dogs he can still be trained to be good with other dogs,but he is a great pet at home,and he likes to learn.
Hi Pete,
That’s good news then. However I’ll play devil’s advocate just to be careful. Dogs of any breed sometimes don’t “let their hair down” for the first few months so they haven’t always revealed their true face (it’s kind of like dating). In addition guardian breeds sometimes take a while to bond with the property or the owner before that guard behaviour surfaces and finally dog to dog aggression can be and often is gender specific, size of dog specific, breeding history specific and/or may not even kick in at all unless the other dog is on what is perceived by the “guarding” dog to be its property. Note that does not mean literally your property lines. It means what the dog sees and experiences on a day to day basis regularly. This can kick in all of a sudden on your walk when he sees other dogs if he dog gets it into his head the idea that he’s not so much walking as he’s patrolling the perimeter of his “estate.” The likelihood of all of this drops considerably (of happening a negative uncontrolled context) if the dog is clear as to who’s the teacher and who’s the student. Good luck with him.
I have a female cc of 11 months looks very good but does not bark it is getting me frustrated because I needed a security guard dog it plays with everyone that comes around pls what can I do since armed robbers broke into my house in the early part of the year. Thanks
Hi Yemi,
Contact a trainer to teach your dog to bark on command and then start alerting the dog to alert in the contexts you want her to bark. Be careful what you wish for though. Most people that think they want a guard dog soon learn what they wanted was a deterrent dog, and not the liability that comes with a guard dog like a Cane Corso.
I have 3 girl Cane Corso’s all fixed, range from 75, 100, and 110 pounds and the best dogs ever. The dogs weigh as much as me, well I have 5 pounds on the biggest one. lol I have 4 children and the dogs love the kids and the kids love the dogs. We never had any issue with this breed. They are protective but that is why I got them. They all walk on a leash and my 7 year old can walk them with no problems. They can be social outside of the home (sweet and nice to people). If you enter my home you might not walk out. In the home and outside of their home they are completely different. They are a lot of work but the love they give you is worth it all. To be honest…it’s a love/hate relationship some days. They are not perfect but 90% they are.
Hello John,
I have two cane corsa’s and previously another big rescue boy who was no trouble at all until he died sadly of cancer. Both are trained with lots of love. The girl is perfect and loves cuddles and the boy is really protective of me, but seems to not like men. (can’t blame him ha ha) He came to us at 18 months old and was really nervous and always had his tale between his legs, he would nip any man that put his hand in front of him, not a serious bite but a nip. He is now 2 years old and has changed quite considerably, is happy but only seems to take instructions from myself, and will not obey my husband who tends to shout at him a lot and is aggressive with him which he thinks should work but I disagree. He had two cherry eye operations when he was younger and I don’t think he can see properly particularly in the dark, so I think this might be why he nips people who put their hand in front of him, but again it only seems to be men. He is a lovely dog other than this and gets on well with all our dogs, (we have 4) and the cat and the donkeys and sheep for that matter. Any ideas on how to stop the nipping? He goes out for walks with my husband and is fine with him, but he tends to follow me around all the time like a sheep and is a total protector of me. What do you think? He has never drawn blood or anything like that, but men do worry around him.
Hi Jo,
There’s a big difference between being “really protective of me/a total protector of me” and “seems to not like men.” Neither in my opinion are the characteristics of a good dog. With regard to his being “really protective of me”, I hear and read that a lot from Cane Corso owners more often than not it’s said with a tinge of pride. There’s nothing any more admirable about a Cane Corso that’s prone to guarding then there is a retriever that likes to retrieve, a herder that likes to herd etc. It’s simply genetics. The problem that lays ahead for this breed in general which I’m pretty sure is doomed because people aren’t taking the latter part of the following statement seriously enough, – there’s an old saying, “You don’t teach a good hunting dog to hunt. You teach good hunting dogs to stop hunting.”
If this was simply just a matter of applying a training program that would have the dog understand that when told to stand down it must stand down, that would be one thing however the “seems to not like men” is quite another. This usually indicates some sort of hole in the dog’s early critical socialization which makes it fear based. If this is in fact the case you can’t fix it in any sense of expecting the dog to love men however you can if you have all your ducks in a row teach a dog to exert self control and take direction in a “Mother May I” sort of fashion. On paper that’s great in real life it’s rare for people to have their ducks in a row well enough to get a dog to stay on a mat with distractions while they make a cup of coffee for themselves and in my opinion if they can’t accomplish that due to life style, lack of ability etc they’re not going to save the dog.
I would start with some reading. Perhaps my e-book on behaviour and the one on socialization and then I would take what you learn there and start interviewing for a really good trainer.
I just wanted to comment and say that I agree with Jen (btw Jen, 4 kids and 115 lbs – that’s awesome) – I have a Cane Corso and he is a sweetheart – I love him and my boys love him. He is protective at home and around my boys (where he needs to be) and when we take him to the park and run him off leash – he is not a problem at all. I throw the ball and he brings it right back to me and drops it without me asking him to – he has been doing this since day one. I am 5’3 and he knows mommy is alpha. He does all he can to please me and he is my lap dog – seriously – he sits in my lap every chance he gets – he doesn’t realize that he is not as small as he used to be. He is also my shadow and follows me every where I go in the house – he never leaves my side. I would say that they are good 95% of the time. He still finds ways to annoy me at times but so do my kids and I love them all – haha.
Hi John,
I’ve had my corso since she was a puppy and she’s is friendly unless she is on a leash she tends to bark at other people or dogs who walk by but has never bitten anyone or another dog. Even at the end of the run/walk when she is exhausted and dragging behind me she will still muster enough energy to bark. Are there any tips on how to help her with this anxiety? However, if she is off the leash at the dog park or at the doggie day care she is perfectly fine they tell me she is one of the goofiest friendly dogs they have at the daycare. I’ve read everything I can get my hands on and done my best to apply it when walking her on a leash but it doesn’t seem to work. She immediately stops when I tell her “No” or “Leave it” and does one more bark under her breath but I would like to prevent it from even starting in her head. In addition, we recently moved and she seems to have adjusted well but barks at every unusual sound in the new house. Now we have neighbors that are the same age as my 6 year old daughter. I’ve noticed my corso only barks at the children who are unsure of her other wise she is fine. Any advice on how I can handle her when other children come over that are not used to being around dogs? I would rather not conform to the easy solution of just crating her every time the neighbor’s children (whose mom hates dogs) come over but hope you may have some tips for me.
There are likely two separate things going on here. One related to the leash specific aggression which is pretty common and is often easy to fix if you are willing to go back to some basics. The child thing could be a bit more serious so I need some information first. How old is your dog currently? How old when you got her? When you’re home and not home where are her favourite places to hang out? (Near windows looking out on the street?) How much unsupervised time in the yard?
Hi John
Two years ago I bought a townhouse in an urban area. My neighbors next door owns a 7 year old male cane corso. Separating our lots is a chain link fence that has seen better days. The issue I have is that the cane corso is very aggressive toward me when I am in the backyard. Weather it be doing yard work, grilling, or playing with my dog (male Boston terrier). The aggression is unprovoked I do not antagonize the dog in any way but he will bark with such ferocity snap at the fence and even ram his head into the fence. I have always been a dog lover of all sizes and have never had a do act so aggressive toward me. His owner has attempted to socialize him with me and he will some what behave when the male owner is present but if he is not the dog goes back to being aggressive. I fear that the dog does not get enough exercise and attention. Our back yards are not very big and I rarely see the owners walk the dog. I am at a loss at what I can do because I refuse to stop doing things in my backyard. In conclusion I have two questions:
1. I am going to put a privacy fence on my property that will be wood and 6 feet high. Will this at least table the cane corso a gfression when we are both outside?
2. Is there anything I can do to temper his aggression?
Anyone thinking about investing in this breed please make sure you have the time and resources needed to raise this dog. It’s not fair to the dog or your neighbors if you are not committed especially if you live in a city!
Hi John,
I don’t believe it is in any Cane Corso’s best interests from a mental health perspective to be left alone in a yard in urban environments (nor given unsupervised access when indoors to windows looking out onto the street). It simply tickles their territorial aggression fancy too frequently until it gets to the point where they simply trigger without thought.
A fence that he can’t see through may help but it won’t block his hearing and his access to his memory which may have connected those sounds to you and therefore to his aggression.
Personally if I had a dog like that living next to me and being handled so inappropriately by the owner I would start to document with notes, photo’s and video. I would check with the local authorities to see what the province/state had as far as dangerous dog legislation. Most areas have it, and depending on how it has been written up, a dog does not have to have committed an actual mauling or killing of another dog or a person to be deemed dangerous. It simply has to behave in a manner that is threatening. Whether or not such legislation exists or not, it can still be hard to get authorities to proactively act. They will typically state, “If the dog hasn’t been bitten we can’t . . .” They will state this even if the legislation exists that says otherwise. If they refuse to act and by act take care of the problem to my complete satisfaction, I would advise writing a non-hyperbolic letter with accompanying photos, incident dates, video on a usb-stick and sending in registered letter format to the local health unit, animal control, police presence, political representative etc. If it’s registered and doesn’t come across as a neighbour spat I think that each of the persons in authority that you have sent the data too will in very short order, if for no other reason than out a sense of “CYA” (career self preservation) act and return to you the right of quiet enjoyment of your property.
I have an 11 month old cane corso. We bought him from a breeder at 8 weeks old. He has always been closer to my husband than me and is very possessive of him. When he was approximately 8 months old, he “snapped” at me when I attempted to kiss my husband while he was laying on the sofa. 2 days ago, he actually bit my face/lip over the same situation. The dog and I spend a lot of time together & he is always affectionate with me. He doesn’t play rough with me like he does my husband. I always thought this was his sign of respect towards me. Now I am afraid of him. I don’t want to hug him because I am scared to put my face next to his. I am questioning if we should keep him or not. My husband doesn’t LOVES this dog. Is it true that once they bite, they always bite? He has not been nuetered yet. Will this help with his behavior towards me? I am so torn, because I love him too, but I don’t want to always wonder when/if he is going to bite me again.
Hi Carla,
There are a few possible reasons for a dog to do this and the most common is that the dog has a skewed sense of hierarchy in the household. If this is the case, you will either have to provide him with some clarity through training or assuming your spouse loves you more, find somewhere else for him to live where they have the skills to wizen him up. Find someone in your area with Cane Corso or similar Molosser experience to assess him.
Hi John, I got my Corso, Zena, when she was 9 weeks old. She is now 15 months old and the most amazing dog I’ve ever owned. In the past I’ve had 4 Dobermans and they were well behaved and then I got a Great Dane, who always had a problem with strange men and other dogs. I did socialize. I did training, but she was unpredictable. Anyway, we learned to adjust. My Zena is the smartest dog I’ve ever owned and the silliest. After a run on the beach, she’s in the tub before I even get my jacket off. She dispenses her own ice from the Ice dispenser on the fridge. She gets up on the vanity when I brush my teeth, so I do hers, and when I blow my hair dry, she stated in the mirror while I blow her dry. Cracks me up! However, I’m starting to see a few things I don’t like. She loves people, but when I’m in the car with her and someone passes us, she’s ferocious at the window, bouncing from one side of the car to the other. I’m driving so it’s hard to correct her. I’ve been working with her for off leash healing and she does very well. She plays rough, but when I say stop or no, she listens. I’m thinking of getting another Dane puppy but wonder if she will be too rough with him. She’s always trying to control my attention, so I think if she has a friend to play with, that would give me a break. So many questions. Will she be jealous of another dog? She is such a sweet girl, but a tough one.
They’ll play rough but not too rough as a rule. It might be too rough from your perspective though . I don’t recommend getting another dog for the reason you’ve outlined though. Read this column for more information.
Hi John, my son got his Corso from a local breeder at 5 weeks old! Isn’t that a little irresponsible on the breeder’s part? He told my son that they are let go so early because the litter begins to get too aggressive with each other.
Absolutely. Not a breeder – a “greeder” Knows next to nothing about breeding other then the difference between a male and a female dog.
Hi there
I have just adopted a 12week old cane Corso, male. I am ALREADY seeing do much aggression in him. He has drawn blood on my mother and boyfriend. This is not a normal puppy biting habit he has, I have always had dogs and know the usual biting.
Please help
Hi Britt,
Can you take some video and send it to me? http://www.wetransfer.com is a free service for larger files.
This is very long situation here.
I have a cane corso cross staffy who my brother bought off his dad. He did not researched anything about this type of breed of dog we have now got the dog due to some personal issues.
He is a male and he’s just coming up 6 months. We as a family search up everyday to understand what to do.
Can someone please make me understand what’s the issue is
My corso is very possessive of things and that could be something that is mine or anything he will lash out and go for me.
He has drawn blood from accidentally nipping people, or even just because they’ve tried to move there arm away from him.
I don’t like to admit it but due to my brother being very inexperienced with these breeds he disciplined him in a way that I think has caused him to be aggressive.
He also jumps up on the lead and everything when out but only if he is hyper or it’s raining
He doesn’t like children
He doesn’t like any cuddles unless it’s on his terms
He hasn’t been nurtured yet either
I’m just very torn on what to suggest to do for this poor dog
Hi Nik,
Likely a few things going on. The possessive of things aspect is resource guarding. This article explains it. Canine Resource Guarding in a Nutshell.
The rest of it is related in the sense that his behavior is being directed by his hormones, evolutionary programs, breed characteristics, and the strength and weaknesses within his bloodline, without the benefit of what he would perceive to be a loving authority figure. In essence, he thinks that at best the two-legged folk in his life are roommates.
You’ll need to learn how to help him understand who you are in his life in a manner that you can convey to him that he’s not bad, you’re not bad, but certain aspects of his behavior must stop. It can be done, but not with the nonsense ‘All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free/Never Say No/R+…’, treat, treat, treat approach to behavior modification or the equally scientifically unsupported ‘Might Is Right’, Alpha, Pack Leader, Dominant (Yank and Crank). Hard to find a trainer that really knows much else.
If you’re interested in my help, you can send me an email and I’ll reply with how I work long-distance with dogs like this. ()
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
Hi John. Would a 4ft fence be sufficient to keep a Corso contained in a yard?
Hi Heather,
Any healthy Cane Corso is athletic enough to easily scale a 4 foot fence. However, some would have to be taught to do so as otherwise they may not believe it’s possible. Others with sufficient motivation (depending on what’s the other side) will figure out how to do so without training.
I have found with my 10 month old Cane Corso that If I take him on a brisk walk before the day starts (2 or 3 miles) minimum. He does not have all the pent up energy and seems to obey more willingly. I work with him 3 to 5 times a day on just obedience but keep the times short so he does not lose interest. I brought him to obedience school last month for the first time to work on more protective related issues and to work on his head aggression. It really boils down to the time you put in with your dog. The classes were more for me to figure out what I may be doing wrong to confuse him. It is important to be patient and socialize as much as possible. (Something I admit I should have done more of in the earlier stages of his life.) I bring him to work and have customers go through his commands through a gate which the trainer recommended and it seems to be working. Now instead of being protective he is associating people coming in as him getting a reward. I understand that there is still a lot of work to be done ahead but these are a couple of the things that seem to be working for me! Hope this helps out!
I have an 18 month old male Cane Corso (not neutered) We also have an 8 year old English Bulldog (neutered). I attempted to bring home an 8 week old male Cane Corso and it went awful. Ruger tried to grab him, growled the whole time, went after him, hair standing straight up the entire day. Would this have been different if I had gotten a female? What can I to to make this better? My Old bulldog was the Alpha and he is the only one Ruger will play with, he is dog aggressive on every other dog. We live in the boonies so other dogs are not a real problem. Should I get a different bredd of puppy? Get an older puppy? Im lost. Thank you!!!
Hi Jenn,
Do a little research on the best ways to introduce dogs. You may have found that things would have gone better if you had made the introduction on neutral territory. Many dogs get their noses out of joint when a strange dog comes on or near their property. Also, you might want to be sure that even though “he is dog aggressive on every other dog” that you are sure that he will respect your wishes and exercise his suck it up muscle. If you haven’t attained this level of control of him/respect from him you probably shouldn’t be adding another dog to the mix just yet.
Hi Wade,
We have a next door neighbor who recently bought a cane corso “puppy”. I have seen it chase kids and pull them down by their shirts, on one occasion snipping at a boy and causing him to cry. The dog is seldom on a leash and It doesn’t seem they are training the dog for obedience. What do you recommend we do as neighbors? I love dogs but this situation seems dangerous.
Thank you.
Hi Jack,
It certainly has the potential to be dangerous. In order to answer your question regarding what you can do as neighbours depends on whether your neighbour is stupid or just ignorant as you’ve no doubt heard you can’t fix stupid so fingers crossed that it’s just ignorance.
Unfortunately the Cane Corso breed is finding itself on the wrong end of both stupid and ignorant humans. Some breeds are Ferraris and some breeds are mini vans and the average Cane Corso is not a mini van. (The balance of my reply can be found here – http://www.askthedogguy.com/neighbours-cane-corso-puppy-concern/
Reading all your comments is very interesting . Me and my boyfriend have a 8 month old cane corso , everyone thinks he has a great temperament he loves people, children and dogs but where he is so playful and big we are very cautious of him around small dogs and kids as he could jump up to play and hurt them with his size . He can be such a loving dog good at times but around food he is extremely possessive growls if you touch him , so this is where the problems started we found a recommended trainer who trains police and army dogs , he advised a few things raising the bowl , but he also had a very hands on approach if he growls hit him on head with less etc . Anyway he got worse as he got older and when he was ill tried stroking him and he growled , then when tired and tried getting him to bed growled . The trainer advised he stay with him for week , so we did , come back I believe worse , I think this trainer uses them physical approach hitting etc which I think for this breed or our dog particular worse as he will never back down .
So we have found another trainer who comes to your home , said his great temperament etc and taught us various things to show our dog we are the pack leader not him . Gesture eating we eat then he has some that helped but once back in his bowl eating normal growls watches you while eating . Runs crazy biting sofa clothes running of , was taught to isolate him he would then chew the wall , taught we leave the room he would chew stuff in the room. We now have him in garden more , have kong toys etc got better ( not that I would dare go near him with his kong full of food )
So we though we was doing good , then yesterday he chewed a metal bbq blood everywhere we was cleaning him up he knew we was helping but that day he wasn’t him self tired un well , my boyfriend entered the kitchen and if he is at the door and you try to open he won’t move if you push him out way he will growl . My boy friend walked passed him near door stroked him and he bite him quite bad !! We now don’t know what to do ??????
We are trying to be the pack leader trying to show dominance …. But it’s like he is one dog then another dog could he have mental issues because he never shows aggression to anyone and when he does it to us it’s like after he forgets what his done comes over tries licking you and being all sorry !! Need serious help I love him so much and don’t want to get rid of him but I don’t want to be scared of my own dog !
Me and my girlfriend are considering adopting a 1 year old cane Corso from my brother who took him from a home he was abused pretty bad in. He is very nervous and cowardly, and pees out of nervousness when approached and\or pet. My brother had had him at least 6-8 months with out incident, but because of his past, I’m nervous he may become aggressive and hostile.. “Snap” so to speak. At overt a year old, are these dogs likely to eventually become hostile in new homes with new owners after being abused in the past?
There’s no way to say with any confidence. Even if I were able to meet the dog, and yourself, I’d only have a general impression. There are too many variables. For one, the dog is still immature, and when adulthood hits, he may be more likely to act on his insecurities in a manner in keeping with his genetics.
It’s a bad combination – a fearful, powerful breed with genetics that lean towards aggression rather then away from it, but only time will tell.
John Wade
I have to say that there seems to be both ends of the spectrum here on the good vs bad and I would like to put forth a little input. I worry that dogs tend to get a bad wrap because of fear that is put into it from folks that probably should not have been a part of the equation. I have been bitten by more small breed dogs …ie corgis, min pins and chihuahuas than any other breeds. With that said, I don’t think it is a fair assessment to say anything other than every dog has the potential to be a problem or the potential to hurt someone or something. I have even had more be inflicted on me by a cat than most dogs I have worked with. With that said, for perspectives sake, all dogs require training and education and all dogs should be thoroughly researched before joining your household. If you are unsure about your ability to handle a dog and have fear of it being aggressive it is probably better to allow someone that has the confidence to know they can handle the situation. Why do I say this, because I love my corso. She is the light of my days. She does however have quick and very hard discern reactions when it comes to people and other dogs. She has been raised around dogs, cats, small animals, kids etc and there is always the chance that even though she does nothing more than bark, it scares people. Her size and stature are intimidating and that is true to the breed. Her guardianship is a part of her nature, of which my family and I have to make sure we are always in control. However, my shin tzu can do the exact same and for the longest time she would nip at children if they came near her. It’s just that her size and stature don’t scare folks and have them running the other direction. My point being is that both breeds take work and while it may seem because the corso is larger she could inflict more damage the reality is the same. Train, exercise and socialize all your dogs. Regardless of breed or breed behavior distinction and always be vigilant folks. If we as owners don’t do our due diligence our beloved breed will get a bad reputation. I am sure my other corso lovers will agree that the last thing we would want is to have a dog breed get assessed negatively due to poor handling. For those of you out there looking to get a corso, read read read. If you want to adopt I recommend a corso rescue or mastiff rescue. Their intakes and evals are more breed specific and known issues will generally be identified because the fosters are familiar with the breed. If you are going with a breeder, make sure to talk to them. Most reputable breeders won’t even consider homing a corso with someone without a yard, without confirmed large breed experience etc. If you find them to eager to just “sell” you a dog please keep looking.
Hi Rachel,
I agree with much of what you have to say.
One place where our opinion’s diverge is when you use the line of reasoning pertaining to – “I have been bitten by more small breed dogs …ie corgis, min pins and chihuahuas than any other breeds.” We have both likely been bitten by far more mosquitos. I have always felt this commonly used example, is far too superficial a comparison to use and underplays the seriousness of owning one breed vs another.
Another area where our opinions (may) diverge is where you appear to compare the realities regarding one breed’s behaviour and another’s as it pertains to aggression – “are the same” with the only difference being “size”. I don’t think that’s what you meant? Just in case, for clarity to other readers, genetics does influences behaviour as well and very significantly so (which also ties into my first point).
Outside of shear size, which is a factor, the genetics of many breeds influence the manner in which they see the world, the length of their fuse so to speak, the ease in which poor handling practices points them in the direction of anti-social behaviour in a companion dog setting, the intensity of their “attack”, their pain thresholds once they enter the “zone”.
For what it’s worth as well, in my opinion, Cane Corso rescues that insist that a potential owner must have a yard (assumedly fenced) are making a huge mistake if they are not cautioning the same people that no Cane Corso should be left alone in a yard in an urban environment, if, in that yard, they have sensory access to the sorts of stimulation that trigger their guarding genetics. In time it inevitably has a deleterious affect on the dog’s behaviour.
In the long run, yards bring zero advantage to any dog’s life. They give dog owners a false sense of accomplishing something meaningful in their dog’s life by giving them access to something that really amounts to the canine version of a poorly designed play pen and little more. No breed should be left unsupervised in a yard until they are adults (ever in my opinion), or at any point in life, for breeds like the Cane Corso – ever. They do not encourage the sort of exercise levels (for almost any breed) that provide a calming influence on the dog’s mind. The “fresh air” argument does not fly any longer as well. Ask any asthmatic.
Also for what it’s worth, for the same reasons, nor should guarding breeds be given unsupervised access to windows.
Mr. John Wade, Well said Sir! I loved your response because it was so right-on the mark. I have a 7 month female and she’s constant WORK. Very smart breed- I keep her in a crate with lots of toys, feed her VERY WELL, dish out for 2 walks per day. My only problem – she wants to PLAY all the time and has formed a bad habit of putting her teeth on my ankles/legs. She also runs up on me from the back and wraps her paws around my ankles-like a tackle/hug move which causes me to act a fool. But allow me say this… she walks on leash perfectly by my side – even when I’m jogging, she really acts frighten of other animals – never snapped at any and lets people pet her without jumping on them – with the exception of my sister who brings a spray bottle to keep her off her her when we are chilling outside. She’s on point also, remembers everyone who’s been in my house before and acts excited to see them when they visit, but anyone who comes thru my front door – which she can plainly see when they walk in… well lets’s just say that she does what she’s suppose to do- Growls, bent on fronts and watching- within the crate of course. I love my Corso and she knows what the phrase – Imma whoop yo A-double-S means and honors it, but not without WORK. No-one with the time, patience and no nonsense attitude needs this dog. It’s a Warrior Princesses type of dog!
I don’t think any vet or dog trainer should be commenting about this breed unless they “specialize” in training such dogs. There are very few experienced trainers with this breed around with majority of them being in Europe. It’s your fault if you didn’t research about this breed before getting a dog. Nevertheless this is one of the smartest and easily trained breeds in existance if in the right hands. They are by far one of the most intelligent breeds around. I’ve grown up with this breed and I’ve owned and still own these dogs. They get a bad name because people are lazy and get a Cane Corso only for the looks and end up giving the sog away or putting him down. If it was up to me I would jail every one of you people who think putting the dog down is ok because of your lameness. Cane Corso is a hunting/working breed. He was bred to hunt wild boar primarily. The dog was used intenselly in Roman empire as a guard/attack dog. The dog Cane Corso in translation Cane means DOG in latin and Corso is he region of CORSICA where the dog originated. Half of you people who think you own a pure bread Cane Corso you DON’t!!! Especially in North America. There is an american bullshit version they also refer to as cane Corso and although they do look a like they are mixed with different breeds and are not Cane Corsos! A lot of people will tell you to not get this breed if you are a first time owner. That’s also bullshit! Let me rephrase that. DO NOT GET A CANE CORSO IF YOU DON’t HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO OBEDIENCE TRAIN AND SPEND TIME SOCIALIZING THE DOG. He will test your limits and that’s fine he’s got a drive to work and run around and be busy doing some sort of work or exercise. You must be persistant and show leadership with this breed. You are the boss of him and not vice versa. Do not show force towards this dog at any point instead show persistance. It will pay off in the end because you will produce a wonderful dog who will be by your side no matter what. You must exercise him regularly as well as training him constantly. He will mature at about 3 years of age completely. By then you must teach him at all times what’s acceptable and what is not. He needs to be outside exploring this is how the dog learns and matures. If you lock him up he will turn into a beast which you can’t control. To sum all this up you will need a LOT OF FREE time if you wanna have a true Cane Corso dog fully mature.
Jam packed post/comment with excellent observations and advice. Don’t buy a Ferrari if all you have if mini-van skills.
Hello, I have a one year old male cane corso who has never shown a mean streak at all. He is always exercised and socialized and is raised in a house of five. He recently showed aggresssion to our six year old female who he looked at as his mother. Is this normal and how can I keep it from happening again?
It’s “normal” up to a point. He’s entering a point in his life where the natural puppy governor in his brain is starting to fall away and perhaps his “mother’s” tolerance of his attitude, now that he’s getting bigger is not quite as forgiving. I suspect if he pushes her too hard, she is going to clean his clock. That is usually what happens. It can get ugly though. I’d keep a CO2 fire extinguisher handy and if it gets too ugly, let them have it. A lot quicker and safer then most dog fight break up strategies. I also find that dogs fight a lot more in a household when they don’t respect the humans quite as much. That doesn’t mean they don’t love the humans, it means that they pick and choose what they listen to (Come, means if you have a minute check your day timer. Etc.) Those dog fight over resources far more then dogs that know who is living in whose house.
Mr John. I have two male cane corso, brother, 14 months. they are fine, never gave any trouble, the smaller one is the alpha for the time being I believe. The small fights are more sound then…, they dont bite the other. Quite social and friendly. I have also small female dog, she is the leader of the house. when they are eating, if she gets close, they stop and move back for her to eat. if the opposite happens she normally “bite” stil they don’t react. I am considering getting another Cane Corso, a female, will that trigger the alpha issue between them? will they start to fight? After reading the comments in this blog, bringing another male, will be a problem, right.
My area is not safest place so I kind need them to guard the house.
thanks and regards
Hi Erik,
There are too many variables that can influence how two dogs might get along to predict with any accuracy how yours might respond to adding another dog to the mix. Often older dogs will be fine with a youngster but lay the law down once they think they are “old enough to know better.” The youngster also can change it’s attitude when it hits young adulthood.
I just got a female cane corso and I have been reading everything I can about the breed. I got her at 15 weeks old and I have been bringing her to work with me every day. She has been excellent at work meeting people and being very friendly, she has the sweetest attitude ever but she is so stubborn. I have been trying to train her with the gentle leader and she will simply sit down when it is time to walk. The regular collar she gets choked with. I have had her for three weeks and she is awesome, I taught her to sit in one day, she learned to give the paw in two days and lay down was simple. My problem is she is board. she needs a more sophisticated training to go to. We are signed up for obedience school to start in January
I am that person who bought the dog and I haven’t had a dog in 16 years… I do love her very much she is brindle blue and smart and sweet. I have been reading on here and its pretty scary. I definitely do not want her thinking she is the boss and I intend to read both your books for help, I want to be successful with my girl and help her to be the best she can be. But I honestly feel overwhelmed with not wanting to make a mistake like with the gentle leader harness and the regular collar and her biting and telling her no and giving her the toy to chew on, she listens okay but sometimes I see her get frustrated, and I get frustrated and I have been putting her in the crate when she is not listening,
In feeling like I would like to get ahead of the 8 ball of adulthood coming my way- and I really just want a best friend I can walk on the beach with as no other family members I have seem to enjoy walking the beach the way I do but i don’t want to worry about her going primal on me and going after another dog or worse a person. I don’t personally like people approaching me while in on a nice walk, a lot
of homeless people in the area and seriously the issue isn’t getting any better around here.
Also she has mastered potty training she is so smart
Bought a CC from a breeder in IL. Both parents were so aggressive we couldnt get near them. The owner admitted not socializing the parents and the aggression was out of control. Mine is now close to 1 year and Best dog I ever had as far as sweetness goes. Great with kids, great with other dogs, plays with my Olde bulldog constantly. To be honest I cant believe what im reading, but I have seen others out of control.
Here is how I raised mine,
1. Every half hour from 8 weeks to 6 months
when out of his cage bathroom breaks. After he would get a couple cheerios (veterinary recommend)
2. Twice a day went on walks with him purposely walked up to kids and stangers and had them play with him, everyday not 2 times a week, everyday! Of course unless rain.
3. He did challenge me a couple times at 4 months to see if he was dominate, and to show him he was not when he got rough held the nap of his neck to the ground with one hand and the other applied pressure to his chest holding him down. He would scream as if I was killing him but all I did was held him down. To be 100% honest i learnd it from watching my Olde Bulldogge do it to him everytime she got tired of him messing with her. Worked evertime for her so why not try.
4. I will admitt he is a little jerky when on walks but I am still under control.
Like everyone is saying 1st 4 months seems to be the key. ANNNND YES HE WILL CHALLENGE YOU AT SOME POINT, i have heard this from everyone whos owed a mail. It came on almost to the day at 4 months old. As my opinion you cant be verbal only with this dog you will have to get to his level when he acts up and hold him down until he calms down. I cannot say he has not gotten a little spank on his butt, but I would strongly in courage not making it a habbit of hitting this dog, because at 1 year old now he could easily mangle your hand or arm. Have not had to do it since he was about 6 now he is great. If you have the time the beginning year and have had other bully or large breeds totally recommend.
Delighted things are going well and well done regarding all the socialization you pursued. You are very correct. However, no amount of socialization impacts genetics. My advice is to not form an opinion or decide what are appropriate boundaries for your dog on the basis of current behaviour. Your dog is still in the puppy/young adult phase of life and for most dogs there is an “attitude “governor” that remains until the dog hits somewhere between 18 months and 3 years of age. At that point and not before you will have a reasonable sense of your dog’s attitude.
Reading my books will be a good supplement for keeping things on course.
A lot of these comments shock me. My long term significant other acquired our CC at the age of separation. Very obedient. Luvs us. Not aggressive unless required. Especially when it comes to me..his 5 2.. 112 lb mistress. His master is 6 2 212 lbs. He doesn’t let men speak to me past 3 questions without a “huff”. They usually stop speaking. Probably due to his size. Spectators think he over powers me. So the opposite. He NEVER NEVER NEVER pulls, tugs or drags me. He never disrespects my demands. He walks next to me. He must feel my proudness of him. He is the prince of the house. He knows daddy is 1st. He is the KING. I am the QUEEN. Making him the Prince. We eat 1st. He eats after. So I agree. Something is missing out of the posters questions. I never went to training/obedience school with the boys. Yet it seems my size tiny can control Cane Corsos way better. No aggression.
Hi Chanel,
How old is your Cane Corso? Personally, I would be concerned or question who is the Queen and who is the prince, if my dog didn’t “let men (or anyone) speak to me past 3 questions without a “huff.” I ask his age because if that’s all he ever does and he’s over 3 years of age I wouldn’t be overly concerned (if that’s all he does) but if he’s younger I’d say you have received an early warning sign that it’s time to have a chat with him about the the Royal hierarchy.
Dog guy sorry but I totally disagree with you this breed is a great breed I had one time with both my pups at about 8 months old laying in there kennels I reached in and they snapped at me I pulled them out by there scruff and layed on top of them look them in the eye and yelled loud bad dog no biting bad in your house they screamed and whimpered and have never done this again my two females are from seperate breeders and are a year apart have never showed signs of aggression and are very calm around children of all ages and almost any animal they are both 187 lbs and one of the best breeds I have ever owned yes they require countless hours of continuous training but any smart dog owner should research the breed before they acquire any dog and putting a dog down for showing stubbornness is out of the question be the boss always my girls are 5 yrs and 4 yrs
Hi Jesse,
You say you totally disagree with me, but from what I read you pretty much agree with the essence of what I’ve written when it comes to making sure you have the breed that’s right for you.
A couple of things do stand out though. It’s a far different story to perform the maneuver you recommend, when your dogs were 8 months of age and when they are mature adults. People reading this should know that doing what you describe to a mature Cane Corso that has got it into the head that you’re a room mate that they don’t have to listen to isn’t going to have very many happy endings. Unless time in the Emergency ward is a person’s idea of a good time. In addition, it isn’t training so much as intimidation. There is a time and a place for intimidation, as any mother dog would be happy to demonstrate, but when a dog does what you described it’s often a sign the ball has been dropped somewhere in the early training.
I have to add for anyone reading, that there’s some doubt in my mind you have the same breed I’ve written about. The average weight of a female Cane Corso should be between 90 and 100 pounds. No well bred, healthy normal male, would come close to the 187 pounds each that you believe yours to be. Males in proper condition weigh in the range of 90 to 110 pounds. If your females, are in fact Cane Corso, and weigh 187 pounds each, I’d suggest getting vet insurance – pronto. They are either some other species, breed, mutants or grossly morbidly obese. Dogs bred for gargantuanism lead short and often painful lives and can prove to be horrendously expensive for their owners. So much so, they are often euthanized for lack of funds to pay the vet bills.
You might also be interested in reading this column I wrote regarding finding a good breeder for you next Cane Corso: http://www.askthedogguy.com/getting-a-dog/
I have a 7 month old cane corso and his food aggression is extremely high, I was wondering if you had any tips to help tame the food aggression?
Hi Ruby,
What reasons have you given him through the manner in which you live together to give him the impression that it is your food he is eating as opposed to “his” food?
The first thing I would suggest you consider in addressing his resource guarding/food aggression, is that you test how much control you actually have over him when there isn’t food around. In my experience, if a person can’t get their dog to do these basic exercises they’re not going to succeed turning this type of aggression around. It might also indicate the or a reason behind it
1. If you were to make a cup of tea in your own kitchen and told this dog to stay on a mat while you did so would your dog, without treats or your monitoring for the slightest twitch, do so? Or would you be drinking a lot of cold tea?
2. In your own yard, does your dog come when called or does your dog react as if you’ve made a suggestion?
3. Does your dog keep the leash loose regardless of distractions when you say Heel, and walk about the inside of your own home, or yard?
If you can’t give a hearty yes to these questions I would start giving some thought to how to change the no’s to yeses.
John Wade
He has no aggression towards me with food, I can take away his food mid way through eating it without any issues. The problem comes with my other dog he doesn’t tolerate the other dog getting food have you any tips for that?
Hi Ruby,
The initial tips still apply. Dogs will often have more conflict with each other if they aren’t clear that the place they live, the things they eat, the doors they go through, the stairs they traverse etc. aren’t theirs to fight over in the first place. This is best communicated with good training, structure and routine during the day that keeps reinforcing it. Do this as well:
Teach both dogs to stay on separate mats. Temporarily use crates if necessary.
Leave their leashes on.
Have one person per dog.
Divide their food ration into fourths.
Add ¼ to their bowls.
Give them permission to eat.
When finished, return them to their mats.
Add another ¼ to their bowls.
Give them permission to eat.
When finished, return them to their mats.
Add another ¼ to their bowls.
Give them permission to eat.
When finished, return them to their mats.
Add last ¼ to their bowls.
Correct anytime they so much as look at each other rather then towards you after they’ve finished their ration.
The goal is to get them to look to you for more rather then to the other.
I have a 3 yr old female CC and had her since she was 11 weeks. I researched the breed and was confident in remaining diligent and consistent in her training although for the first two years were almost exhausting for I knew if myself or family wasn’t consistent One time we would lose the “battle” as she was equally relentless in her attempt to dominate. She finally gave in and has not questioned leadership once this past year being ever obedient and a loving family member. I’ve always made my boys work with her as well, not rough housing with her. With humans and animals I feel if you play rough, it becomes a natural reaction when they get angry to lash out so rough we have never been. The past year of perfect (loving, obedient and respectful) behavior from our CC had made me feel complete trust in her behavior. She had never shown agression nor bitten until this morning. She sleeps in my son and his wife’s bed and every morning apparently gets a kiss from my son’s wife in the morning. This morning our CC bit her nose drawing blood. She was made to get off the bed and will no longer be allowed on their bed (I’ve never permitted her on beds or any couch). Outside of no longer being allowed in their bed, what further suggestions do you have? Ive trained a German shepherd that was agressive into becoming a loving and integral part of our family but once he learned, he never questioned his role and Never thought about biting a family member. I know a CC is not a German Shepherd. I also can tell you outside of her being permitted to be in their bed (which I didn’t agree with), that is the only mistake I believe has been made with our CC. A CC that has never shown agression. Any advice would be helpful as I’d like to make sure this behavior doesn’t happen again.
Hi Jennifer,
Unless she has a screw loose, I suspect that outside of her training there are things going on that are influencing her sense of who is living in who’s house. I would really have to ask a bunch of questions to get a better sense of what’s going on. Some of those questions are:
1. If you were to make a cup of tea in your own kitchen and told this dog to stay on a mat while you did so would your dog, without treats or your monitoring for the slightest twitch, do so? Or would you be drinking a lot of cold tea?
2. In your own yard, does your dog come when called or does your dog react as if you’ve made a suggestion?
3. Does your dog keep the leash loose regardless of distractions when you say Heel, and walk about the inside of your own home, or yard?
If you really want to get to the bottom of this we could do a Skype Consult. I can send the details on how to book if you’d like.
Hi there,
My pup just reached 9 months today, solid 83 pounds of muscle and pure love and mushiness. We’ve socialized him with other dogs and people and place since he was 2 months. Always playful and curious. Now, as he’s gotten tons bigger, his playfulness towards other dogs when out for a walk, is more of a lunge/bark/pulling situation. Any tips on how to help him get out of this behavior while on walks?
Hi Vanessa,
I recently completed an e-book on how to teach even the most difficult of dogs how to walk on a loose leash – no matter what. If you read it without skipping bits and picking and choosing what you like vs don’t like you will accomplish your goal. Here’s the link: http://store.askthedogguy.com/healing-the-heeling-problem/
Hi, my friend has a Cane Corso dog for 4 months, is it late for the ear cropping?
I have no idea. My area of expertise is predominently behaviour. Best to contact a veterinarian with that inquiry.
Hi John, Thank you for all the insight you gave a couple years ago on this post. I’m just now finding this article as I search for more ways to help me with my 5 year old Male half american bulldog / Cane Corso mix.
He is very well behaved and listens very well to my wife and I and our kids. He waits for his food until given the command to eat. He is really a great dog to run and walk with and ignores people unless they want to stop us to talk. He will growl until I say “leave it”, but I know it doesn’t change his mind though he stops. No pulling or anything on the leash. And when I say leave it he’ll normally lay down next to me and just stare at the person.. I don’t like this of course.
We were able to break him of jumping before he was 6 months. He knows a couple tricks. If he barks at strangers while in our back yard I can yell “no bark” and he’ll stop. He potties on command and all that. Sounds like a great dog up until strangers are in the mix. He is ok if people ignore him and then when he is ready He’ll want pet. He actually seems to be better then when he was 2-3 years old. But I wonder if he is just better at hiding it.
At 5 years of age and knowing the breed well now my thoughts are things are never going to change, but I want to continue to work towards making sure it doesn’t get worse. Yes, I bought him from a backyard breeder thinking Bulldog Mastiff mix equals a cheap bullmastiff. I know hows stupid I was to ever think that a backyard breeder selling puppies for $250 had a care in the world on temperament or who the dogs went too. Reading what I’ve read here makes me believe we may have just been lucky so far he hasn’t bit someone. He did muzzle punch a friend of mine when he didn’t know they where in my house until they walked into my kitchen (I didn’t know they where there either) and he didn’t know the person. (they won’t do this again) but it did scare me, I can’t lie about it.
He is also very gun shy which I see as a huge flaw and I’m not sure if I messed him up or if maybe we’ve done the best we could with him. He’s never showed any aggression towards our family, he is really sweet with us and the kids. It’s just anyone new and that’s bad enough when a dog is 135lbs of muscle and athleticism and jaws that can crush bones like they are nothing.
I guess after all that said, my question really is. Do dogs like this only get worse as they age and is he just better at hiding his fear? Maybe I’ve just taught him to not growl?
Training doesn’t change the nature of the breed. If it’s real training it teaches them to exercise their suck-up muscles when you’re not asking them to do something but telling to do it when their genetics inclines them in another direction. You’re attributing his behaviour to fear and it may be in part be just that, but his genetics are a big influencer as well. Nothing more dangerous than a fearfully aggressive dog with the genetics of a guarding breed. The Cane Corso is inclined to guard and be wary of strangers. Cane Corso owners should be inclined to teach the dog to suck it up when told to or to own Golden Retrievers. One is no better than the other, but one can be more appropriate a pet dog than the other. Sounds like you’re doing what it takes to keep this fellow on the straight and narrow. They’re not an easy breed, more of a hobby that a pet.
my cane corso is george he is a famitky dog, great eith other dog, very playful, he walk brilliant off the lead, he is great eith my children , 3, 8, 12 and our 3 cats he tends to follow who ever is the yougest child in the house like my nephew or the neighbours children, he goes out off lead in street to say hello to neighbours which he has done since a pup, he listens brilliant but cowers as though scared ehen told to get in bed when im going out, hes just a softy to the point readying all these comments his nature sounds nothing like a cane corso, he loves to be with us, lots of dogs tend to try and challange him or attack him but he just stamds there turning to keep dog far from me or children, he doesnt even bark, he has a little growl to see dog off and thats it, in my eyes he is perfect, can you tell me do you think this behaviour is going to change from what iv said or eill be continue to be my perfect BFG
Hard to say. You don’t mention how old he is.
I have a three year old male CC, neutered recently. Right around turning three his disposition has changed toward unfamiliar dogs, and he will pull on the leash and bark or corner them and bark. So far there has been no violence behind this unfriendly, loud behavior, but it worries me.
I’m one of those people who ended up with a corso without knowing fully what I was getting into. I took him from a co-woker, and he has passed through a few hands so I have limited knowledge of his history. I suspect that he was passed around mostly due to separation anxiety and issues with peeing indoors rather than aggression.
I really don’t want to be another set of hands he passes through because he has a sweet demeanor and deserves a loving home.
Any recommendations, including experienced trainers in the Minneapolis, MN area?
Read this article –
If you really want to teach him, buy and read this very inexpensive but jam pack filled e-book on “Healing the Heel”
In the above book, you will read references to the influence that allowing watching out windows and unsupervised yard time has on exactly this sort of behaviour. I’ve never seen anyone resolve the problem if this was allowed to continue.
I have always had large dogs such as Rottweilers, chows, and I grew up with a band dog. I rescued my cane corso as a puppy. I knew that immediately he needed training. I took him to K9 off leash and spent an arm and a leg on his one on one training. He is now 2 years 130lbs. I’m small at 120lbs. When walking him he heals to me and if I stop walking he sits immediately. Great dog! However, just a few days ago my husband was sitting next to him and he began to growl and eventually snapped and bit him on the face… my husband also trained with our cc and up until that point was 100% fine with him. Just today while sitting on the couch my cc was between us (same as last time) and I was petting him and he raised his lip at me! We spend a ton of time training him and he up until now has been the most loving big headed dog. He usually jumps up on the bed and lays on me and will lets us move him around and give him snuggles. This is the first time he has shown aggression towards us. He has shown aggressive behavior towards most males that are strangers and has snapped a few times when he was a puppy towards males. He has one bite… my dad, unfortunately… he was fine with him and my dad even pet sitted with him and he came to visit one day and my cc immediately snapped at his hand. I want to start a family soon and I’m just beyond worried that something can go totally wrong. He was also rescued at a raid at a puppy mill. ☹️ He is also greying at the muzzle and tail which when I researched is connected to high anxiety. I love my dog and I want what is best for him. Im just not sure what that might be. I did the research and I know what I was getting into which is why I trained him and socialized him. But to turn on me and my husband??? What does that mean? Also, as soon as he did that we said down and he listened and 5 min later was back to wagging his tail and loving us. Please help
Hi Celia,
Thanks for writing to me about your Cane Corso.
I want you to know I’ve read your comment about your comment. I will try to respond, however I have to reply to comments on my website and emails in between the activities that pay the bills and even then I receive so many emails with great questions like your own that I am always behind.
I do have some suggestions that might help. The first is, if you haven’t already do a search on my website http://www.askthedogguy.com for the question you have. There are hundreds of articles that I have written and you may very well find some suggestions. (http://www.askthedogguy.com/breed/cane-corso-italian-mastiff/)
The second suggestion is to send me some video. I still can’t guarantee that I’ll get back to you promptly or at all but I do give the questions that include video of the issue much higher priority for replies because I think that my reply will be far more likely to be accurate and it will be of great value for anyone else searching The Ask The Dog Guy website for answers to similar questions. I’ve included instructions below with options for sending video to me. Simply attaching a video to an email doesn’t always work due to file size but the service mentioned below can handle it simply and for free.
The third suggestion is to book an appointment if you are within my in-home visit consulatation area (London, Ontario region). If that’s of interest, let me know and I’ll send the details with regard to availability, costs etc.
If you’re not within that area, another option is to book a telephone or Skype consultation with me. If that’s of interest let me know and I will send you the details regarding what’s involved, costs and on how to go about booking if you wish.
Lastly, buy and download my book, The Beautiful Balance – Dog Training with Nature’s Template (http://store.askthedogguy.com/the-beautiful-balance-dog-training-with-natures/). It explains dog training the way dog training is supposed to be rather than the ‘All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free’ and ‘Might Is Right’ methods that get so many companion dog owners and their dogs into trouble. I think it’s currently $9.99 CND which is about $7.94 U.S.
John Wade
How to Send a Video or Videos to Someone for Free (I’ve only personally used http://www.wetransfer.com and Dropbox)
Instructions for WeTransfer
If you feel it would help, send John Wade any video or photographic examples of the issues in advance of our appointment or in relation to an email question you are sending. Photographs can be sent as email attachments. Videos are usually too large so please send to me using this simple to use, free service.
1. Load the video onto your computer.
2. Visit the site https://www.wetransfer.com/
3. Click on the +Add files button
4. Find the video file or files and add
5. Add my email to “Friend’s email” *protected email*
6. Add your email to “Your email”
7. You do not need to include a message
8. Click on “Transfer”
The file will upload. Once it has, I will be notified by email. I will upload and once I have done so you will receive an email letting you know I have the file. If you have other questions you will find the answers here, https://www.wetransfer.com/questions
I have a wonderful Cain Corso/Rottweiler mix (a Rotticorso as I believe it is known). When he came into the animal warden he was 93lbs, when I brought him home he was 98lbs. He is now a healthy 135lbs.
He clearly was abused and had resource guarding and territorial issues. With the help of a very good trainer I have been able to correct many of the issues I was having with him. Believe me though, there was a time, about 6 months after I got him, I thought I would need to return him to the pound. I stuck with the training and so did he. These types of dogs are not for the inconsistent or faint of heart. I can echo what everyone else has said, you need to establish that you are the alpha, period, if you do not they will run all over you. After to establish you are alpha, you must constantly reinforce it on a daily basis. This does not mean you hit the dog EVER. If you beat a corso, you had better expect that dog will not only become very aggressive, but could potentially kill someone. One thing I have found for my guy Cooper that works as a very good “Bad Behavior Corrector” , buy and industrial cleaning bottle and fill it with water. When they are doing something you are not ok with, a quick squirt of water right between the eyes does the trick.
As far as jumping on people (even for play), you need to knee them, period. You must do it as the infraction is taking place and it should NOT be gentle. I cannot have a 135lbs dog jumping on people as he will knock them on their butt. This may seem like abuse, it is not.
Large dogs like to lean into you, with a corso this should not be taken as they are being affectionate, this should be taken as they are asserting themselves on you. You should immediately take your knee and bump them off of you.
One thing I would like to some advice on is dog walking. One thing I have noticed is when Cooper is on a leash he will become aggressive to people walking or jogging by. The trainer I worked with told me this is due to the fact that he either feels like he is an extension of me or that he feels vulnerable when he is on a leash. I have trained 99% of the bad behaviors out of my guy, but this is one that persists. Considering he was between 3-5 years old when I got him, as well as being neglected and abused, I think we have faired very well.
Do Not Give Up On The Dog.
Hi Robert,
Thank you for sharing your experience and offering encouragement.
One thing however that jumped out at me was the do not hit the dog ever followed by kneeing the dog and it should Not be gentle. Perhaps some elaboration would be helpful. Whether you punch, slap or knee, if you’re on the receiving end it’s all pretty much the same thing. No?
For what it’s worth, I’m not a big fan of water bottle corrections. It doesn’t work for a lot of dogs and in my view if the relationship between the dog owner and the dog is truly teacher/student the teacher’s disapproval should suffice and when it does not one of three things needs to be addressed. Some of the clients that meet me after using the water bottle on their dogs report the dog won’t go out in the rain. I want a dog to make a closer connection.
You are not entirely correct with regard to the leaning. It may be what you describe but more often it’s nothing more than a desire for tactile connection. Dobermans often do this when I’m teaching heel. They like to touch you so they know where you are and they can still do the job while looking about. Bouviers are infamous leaners as well.
I don’t want to criticize the trainer you’re working with as you’ve together brought this dog a long way but I’m going to call nonsense with regard to the problem with heeling being the dog thinking he’s an extension or he feels vulnerable because he’s on leash. This sounds like a repetition of what a trainer has read somewhere or heard a celebrity trainer say on television. If a dog feels vulnerable it’s usually if they spot an unfamiliar dog and the latent “stranger dog danger” genetic program is kicking in. If it’s people it’s either because his training isn’t far enough along to expose him to distractions he hasn’t been taught how to respond, or he’s being allowed to look out a window during the day or through fence or gate spaces at people walking by. This triggers territorial/guarding genetics and creates a condition response of agitation which kicks in when he’s being walked. I’d suggest investing in my very inexpensive e-book – John Wade’s Healing the Heel – Teach Even a Difficult Dog to Walk on a Loose Leash
Hi! I stumbled across your page and a lot of the info on here has been helpful for me. My husband and I adopted a Cane Corso pup, she’s now 7 months old and very laid back (still has puppy tendencies, gets excited for 5 minutes and gets tired and chills out). We have socialized her regularly. She goes to work with my husband every single day, he’s in the Marine corps and all of his buddies play with her and wear her and she lounges naps in his office until it’s time to come
Home. She catches on quickly to basic commands… we’ve been doing the “10 minutes a day training time” thing very regularly to keep her stimulated. So here’s my issue, finally, I know I’m long winded… my husband plays with her and they rough house. She gets mouthy and of course I know she doesn’t mean to but she can get really mouthy and it hurts him and he gets upset with her but they were playing and she’s a puppy so I don’t know how to resolve this. When she plays, she’s bound to get mouthy but she can be a bit rough. How do I fix that? I’ve tried correlating the word “ouch” and “no” together when she bites harder than comfortable (NEVER broken skin or been aggressive seriously) like when she’s happy and I’m scratching her tummy she does the little love nibbles like little tiny soft nibbles on my sleeve or something with her sleepy eyes closing and I know those are good. But how do I fix the nibbles when she plays? Also, she hurt her paw playing with another puppy the other day… my husband picked her up and I guess he grabbed the wrong spot and she snapped at him. She’s never snapped at me or been aggressive toward me and she doesn’t even rough house with me. Like honestly won’t play rough with me she just sits and looks at me when I try and play with her lol do you think maybe him being more aggressive with his punishments towards her is making her more I don’t know… not like she is with me-toward him? Is there a better way than trying to teach her “ouch”? I DO NOT like spankings or pops on the butt or anything. I don’t think animals respond well to physical punishment, I think there should be alternatives. I’ve also reached out to a few professional dog trainers but we live very rural and they are out of reach and will not share much information with us unless we pay and are in person.. so I’m kind of stuck. Thank you so much for your time!
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for writing to me about your Cane Corso.
I want you to know I’ve read your comment. I will try to respond, however I have to reply to comments on my website and emails in between the activities that pay the bills and even then I receive so many emails with great questions like your own that I am always behind.
I do have some suggestions that might help. The first is, if you haven’t already do a search on my website http://www.askthedogguy.com for the question you have. There are hundreds of articles that I have written and you may very well find some suggestions.
The second suggestion is to send me some video. I still can’t guarantee that I’ll get back to you promptly or at all but I do give the questions that include video of the issue much higher priority for replies because I think that my reply will be far more likely to be accurate and it will be of great value for anyone else searching The Ask The Dog Guy website for answers to similar questions. I’ve included instructions below with options for sending video to me. Simply attaching a video to an email doesn’t always work due to file size but the service mentioned below can handle it simply and for free.
The third suggestion is to book an appointment if you are within my in-home visit consulatation area (London, Ontario region). If that’s of interest, let me know and I’ll send the details with regard to availability, costs etc.
If you’re not within that area, another option is to book a telephone or Skype consultation with me. If that’s of interest let me know and I will send you the details regarding what’s involved, costs and on how to go about booking if you wish.
John Wade
How to Send a Video or Videos to Someone for Free (I’ve only personally used http://www.wetransfer.com and Dropbox)
Instructions for WeTransfer
If you feel it would help, send John Wade any video or photographic examples of the issues in advance of our appointment or in relation to an email question you are sending. Photographs can be sent as email attachments. Videos are usually too large so please send to me using this simple to use, free service.
1. Load the video onto your computer.
2. Visit the site https://www.wetransfer.com/
3. Click on the +Add files button
4. Find the video file or files and add
5. Add my email to “Friend’s email” *protected email*
6. Add your email to “Your email”
7. You do not need to include a message
8. Click on “Transfer”
The file will upload. Once it has, I will be notified by email. I will upload and once I have done so you will receive an email letting you know I have the file. If you have other questions you will find the answers here, https://www.wetransfer.com/questions
A Cane Corso requires much of ones time and it’s a serious commitment. Yes, the Corso is the Ferrari or Mike Tyson of the dog world and as such will command much of your time. My Corso just turned 6 years old and there are still times when he wants to show his dominance, but I find it’s easier to set the pecking order the older he gets. This is one of the most wonderful breeds my wife and I have had the pleasure of raising, is loyalty and love of family is second to none. Besides being a loving family member, he is one hell of a guard dog. My boy Maximus.
Yup. Great dog in the right hands. Gun with a brain in the wrong hands. Too darned many wrong hands breeding them and buying them. Keep him Maximus on the straight and narrow. The breed needs more capable owners like yourself. Send a picture of Maximus and I’ll try to add it to your comment.
John stumbled upon your site googling behaviors in rescue dog we were told was a boxer. 4 years old likely CC or mix. Bumpus is very Well trainer and docile 99 percent of the time which appears fairly breed standard. We have a female pitbull in house no issues she was here first loves everyone.
Our rescue Bumpus is 120lbs and took roughly a month to settle in. He would pace and run around house constantly. He took up home parked by back door. His dog bed is there. He loves our family and children. He is great on walks in the neighborhood and doesn’t have dog aggression at all. He is how every becoming very wary of gueststhat come to the house, particularly men. My problem is he is 4 years old and mostly past puppy training. I am experienced with bully breeds and other difficult to train dogs. What is the best way to deter his guarding and allow people we want into our home? I have reached out to our rescue trainers as well but need to be sure they have the proper experience with the breed to help. He doesn’t bite but is highly agitated at visitors particularly men. Being that he is four years old and neutered thankfully, what might we do to help with this behavior so that he is more accepting of guests? Advice and direction is much appreciated. Your site is great!
Hi Jennifer,
Sorry for the delay. That’s a tough question to answer without knowing more about his history and your approach to living with and training him. I’m adding a couple of links (see book covers and click on them) to the above article to a couple of free booklets that I wrote that might help.
John `Ask the Dog Guy’ Wade
I have a comment for Kat….whose dog that barks when on leash with other dogs and people: I do not know much about this breed but understand training dogs: Your dog needs obedience training so responses to the cue are automatic in nearly all circumstances. Eventually, when the dog is on leash, you start an obedience routine that ends in a reward that is something the dog values very highly. You start in a low distracting environment and then work your way up. My dogs always work for toys and a round of play. When you finally have this routine down, you are ready to test drive your anxiety interruption routine….you start out figuring out the distance that will trigger your dog….usually 12 to 30 feet depending on the dog…anticipate when your dog will react….catch them just as you see their posture change….timing is very important. Whip out their highly valued reward and ask them to sit, down, spin, heel……give them something else to think about besides what they find to be spooky. The dog wiill learn to focus on you and what the two of you are doing. Now move away from the distraction with the dog on cued behavior. Slowly you will be able to move closer and closer to the distraction and if you start to see the dog’s attention shift….move away….still on cue.. This is an good way to cope with many behavioral problems. Eventually you will be able to hide the toy because the dog will know good stuff is coming.
Our corso named Tito is about 14 months and he is just a very powerful stud of a dog. He is extremely playful and well tempered, he responds to commands extremely well for a 14 month old ball of muscle with extreme high energy however, after adding a 2nd into the family pack Tito has become aggressively protective of his food and his toys. He will now act out aggressively if anyone gets near his food or his indoor toys. His outside toys he doesn’t seem to care about if anyone else plays with them. At first he would respond to loud aggressive voice commands while he did this such as sit, lay down, heel…however now he doesnt. We now have to be very loud, very dominant in posture and tone of voice. We are currently locking him in his kennel and completely ignoring him for an hour after he acts this way. It seems to be working however it’s slow, step by step. A corso is a breed that you must continue to work with constantly. They are not just a family pet they.are more of a responsibility
This post got me thinking about a few things that might help some other Cane Corso owners as well so I think my response warrants a separate post/article. I’ve posted it here: http://www.askthedogguy.com/powerful-stud-of-a-cane-corso-aggressively-protective-of-his-food-and-toys/
My cane corso, Blue, is a 4 yr old male that weighs in at 150 lbs. I raised him from a pup and bought him from a local breeder. A bulldog was his buddy and mentor as he grew and he has been good with other dogs. My bulldog died when Blue was a year old and he was an only dog until he was 2. It was then I noticed some grumbling at times and thought maybe he was bored, so I bought another dog for a playmate. He now has a Shar Pei as his best buddy. Blue was socialized young and taught to walk on a leash as a pup. I really have had no issues with him other than the grumbling when he is bumped while sleeping. He willingly climbs in the bathtub for grooming, but I do muzzle him only to cut his nails because he hates it. He lets me put the muzzle on without problem, but once I start trimming the nails he growls viciously. Not sure what would happen if the muzzle would break and I admit it’s scary, but I try not to let him sense it. When done, I take the muzzle off and he is back to his sweet self and very anxious to please. He is good at the vet, in fact the vet said his temperament is much better than other mastiffs they care for. Other than the occasional growling when his sleep is disturbed there haven’t been any other problems, at least so far. (I believe even male humans have the same behavior under the circumstances.) He is a bit of a toy hog, but not food aggressive. He and my other dog each have their own food bowls and eat side by side. I live alone with him and my Shar Pei. I’m a woman, soon old enough to retire. I think a dog who is shown love has a better chance at good behavior than a dog that is mistreated because of occasional mistakes. Blue knows who the boss is, he may not like it sometimes, but he obeys and knows when I’m not pleased just by tone of voice and his punishment word. He is fine with people who come into my house but does bark outside at the neighbors at times. Overall, he is obedient, sensitive, and just wants to be loved and cared for. He is an added deterrent to anyone or anything that may want to break into my home and cause harm. His job is being my guardian and my companion, and we have mutual respect for each other. Mastiffs and other strong breeds get a bad rap often through no fault of their own. Some are unfortunate enough to have owners that treat them rough, so they themselves become rough and dominant. They are a wonderful breed if given the respect and love they deserve. Given all I have explained, should I worry about the grumbling/growling getting worse or should it get better as he gets older? Since their lifespans are not that long due to their size, Blue’s life may already be half over.
I have recently adopted a beautiful Corso female that is 13 months old. She is VERY skittish, I know absolutely nothing about her history. Seems to have MAJOR anxiety issues, will not eat in front of anyone much less move. She will allow you to pet her, will not come when asked to. Freaks out when outside on the leash (don’t attempt outside without a leash or she is gone) a shadow makes her spread eagle and hunker down shaking. She acts as if she was beat before I acquired her. I know this will be a long work in progress I’m just looking for advice on how to help her feel more at ease instead of so scared. It’s obvious she wasn’t socialized or trained. I know she won’t be the perfect and obedient dog starting at this age, but I am aware of this and will not over stimulate her to cause an issue but I need to know how to help her with her anxiety I know the trust will come with time but it just makes me so sad that she is so scared.
I rescued a CC 3 months ago from a Bully Rescue and they said he was approximately 7/8 months.
I have owned EM’s & Bull Mastiff’s and still do have an EM female. He was wonderful and very loving to anyone that comes in the house or anyone who was to pet him. I mean from toddler to adult. In the last week or 2, he has lunged at 4 people. The first being the Vet.(which I took it as he didn’t like the Vet.) The other 3 times were at people that have been to my house and have pet him. We had a ST. Pat’s and he laid in the middle of the kitchen floor and fell asleep. I have a trainer coming tomorrow evening. Reading these posts are making me so nervous. Do you think with this trainer, who is familiar with this breed, will be able to get us on the right track since he’s still young?
Hi Claire,
It will depend on the trainer. Far too many people that call themselves trainers just parrot silly internet or nonsense connected to either ‘All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free/Never Say No/R+…’, treat, treat, treat nonsense or ‘Might Is Right’, Alpha, Pack Leader, Dominant (Yank and Crank), nonsense. Read this article before deciding. Questions You Should Ask A Dog Trainer – Especially If They’ve Given Themselves A Fancy Title
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
Hi there!
I have a 9-month-old Cane Corso German Shepherd mix, named Baloo. He’s extremely sweet but doesn’t know how big he is and he tends to get mouthy when he gets excited (and he gets excited VERY easily). Mouthy meaning he GENTLY places his mouth over my hand, wrist, or arm. I personally don’t mind but I understand that it’s not a good habit for him especially when we go into public. Any suggestions on how to help train our big brindle bear?
Hi Brie,
I’m glad it’s gentle, but if you’ve tried to discourage it and haven’t succeeded imagine when he’s in a more heightened state. Here’s something to read regarding mouthing, but I’d get him into some training.
Puppy Mouthing Nipping and Biting
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
Hi John,
We just got our CC Goose from a shelter so his background is not known other than he is roughly 14 months. He seems like he must have been from a house that started training him as he waits for an invitation for going outside, to enter a room and eat. He listens to my husband and myself very well except dropping of toys when asked but we are working on this, he seems to be easier to train than our last rescue (Shar-Pei) My SO and myself acknowledge that we will have to continually train this kind of dog, my question is regarding my 5 year old. Right now they seem interested in each other but always keep their distant. I want to know how I should teach my son to interact with him so that he respects him as much as he does us.
It depends on how old and mature your son is. Typically, I don’t recommend involving the kids too early. Here’s what I send clients with children. Hope it helps.
My Recommendations Regarding Involving Children and Teenagers In Training
I definitely encourage the involvement of everyone that normally interacts with a puppy or dog on a daily basis, but in the case of children and teenagers, sometimes more indirectly rather than directly. I recommend using the following rule of thumb as a means for determining the level of involvement.
If you feel that it would be unreasonable to expect the child or teen in question to responsibly care for a two-year-old without adult supervision themselves, for an extended period of time, then it would be better to embrace the approach of involving them more in the manner mentioned below rather than as hands-on as the adult members of the home.
When they’re very young, the problem isn’t so much with understanding what’s required, as I’ve found that the children that attend my sessions typically absorb far more of what is said, than we ever could, even when they’re permitted to come and go as even in other rooms they seem to keep an ear tuned. Later, they can be quite an asset to the adults as the child or children become walking, talking session referral notebooks.
The problem, and it’s not really a ‘problem’ so much as it is a practical acknowledgment is with the aspect of attention-span, consistency, and follow-through. Having witnessed it personally with my own sons and the children of past clients, I’m a big believer in the positive impact a good dog can have on a child’s life experience and I prefer to emphasize that aspect of the relationship, rather than potentially setting either the child (or their dog) up to fail by burdening them with a potentially unrealistic level of responsibility with regard to training and behavior modification for dogs with behavior problems.
When they’re closer to or in their teens and depending on their personality, some are more likely to actively participate than others both from the perspective of ability and motivation. It’s case-by-case, and when in doubt as to their potential to be consistent and follow-through, better to err on the side of caution as to the level of active participation. Instead, and it’s probably a good idea, particularly when there is or there’s potential for a serious behavior problem, they should be present for our appointment. In the teenage range category the biggest advantage of having them there is so they know what you’re doing and why, and in the case of dogs with behavior problems what the stakes are if there isn’t consistent follow-through.
That said, their involvement will be part of how to best move forward. Just in a slightly more creative way.
• At the 30-day mark, the dog has a clearer idea of what’s expected life skill-wise inside the home. (dinner/doorways/stairs etc.) The child will attach their own personal leash, alongside mom or dads and instruct the dog as they have seen mom and dad do for the past 30 days. With you as the backup, you will be able to gently transfer the authority you have collected in combination with a clearer understanding in your dog as to what’s expected, over to the child without burdening the child or confusing the dog with the actual training of the dog. Works great.
• For the first 30 days of training, if age-appropriate, and the child wishes, I recommend allowing the child or children to monitor the progress goals we will be laying out for which I will provide them PDFs they can print out.
• For hands-on I recommend an activity for which I will provide guidance that I refer to as ‘Nosey Dog’. For this, I provide the youngsters some step-by-step instructions on how to teach the puppy to use his nose to find his breakfast and dinner every day. It’s great from a few perspectives. Teaching a dog to use his nose reliably requires a little patience and develops the ability of the handler to ‘read’ his dog. For the dog, it fulfills an often overlooked need which is to use his nose for more than just going outside to check his ‘pee’-mail. Once the training is complete, all that is required is to hide the puppy’s food in three different areas of the home that he has been taught to use his nose (high and low). It also, takes 10 -20 minutes out of his day, twice a day to do what he regardless of breed evolved to do while the family is busy doing family things. Most of the dog puzzles sold end up getting old quickly whereas your home can become a highly varied 3D puzzle for a puppy to solve twice a day. Every dog I’ve ever trained to do this behaves every mealtime as if it is his or her birthday celebration.
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
Hello. I just got an 11 week old Cane Corso. She is a very good puppy and I’ve been putting in the work to make her even better. I also have a 3 year old boxer who is not very welcoming to the new puppy. Im worried the two will never get along… Any suggestions that I can make the two adore each other?
We have a 3 year old cane corso. And in the last week he has become very aggressive toward our 13 year old lab. They have been together since our corso has been a puppy. What do we do
We have a 4 year old cane corps, mastiff mix. He is typically very sweet and loving with my husband, myself and the family cat. He has always been protective of our house, barks at everyone who passes and does not respond well to strangers at the door. We always knew that his breed tends to be protective and we have become accustomed to that. However a new issue has just started. He sleeps with us on our bed, has every night since he was a puppy. He has always been stubborn, and known to moan when you try to readjust him on the bed. But a few occasions now he has threatened to nip at our feet when we move them. He has put his mouth on both my husband and my feet but not broken the skin. He has also shown similar behaviour with our feet when sitting on the sofa. It’s not a playful reaction, and it’s the first time he has ever made me nervous because he has a strange look on his face, and when you discipline him he gets worse, growling and wide eyed.
We love our boy. Please any advice would be great. How do I help him?
Hi Jenny,
He clearly doesn’t know who’s living in who’s home. The bed behavior is a problem, I know, but you should look at it as a symptom. To help him, you have to learn to work with him in a way that helps him understand you’re the teacher/loving authority figure and he’s the student. I believe he thinks you’re roommates. This is more about what happens day in and day out, outside of the bed. There’s tons of information on this website that give a fuller idea of what that means and a few inexpensive eBooks in the store that might help as well.
John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
PS Don’t forget if you find that the many free resources I provide companion dog owners via Ask The Dog Guy website (www.askthedogguy.com) and elsewhere (YouTube, newsletter, etc.) inform, save you time and, or money why not buy me a coffee? Click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees
PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)
I have been the Mom of two English Mastiffs going on 13 years. My oldest past away and now I have my baby who is four. Recently a family member obtained a Cane Corso. The pup is now 5 months old, left in a crate most of the day, still not house trained and has no manners for his size. I feel like he is abused/neglected. I was informed that the family member is going to try and get rid of him.
I am of course interested in adopting him but have some concerns. Firstly even though I have had good experience raising my own large babies, I was stern about jumping or human approach when they were little but can this be done effectively for a CC approaching 6 months of age? Also with house training, my guys were using the yard as a “bathroom” without incident within a week of joining our home, this is a huge issue and wonder if this CC has a good chance of being able to accomplish this at his age?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Amy,
The outcome is dependent on some variables that at this point you have no control over and some that you do, so there’s no hard and fast answer. How well-bred this particular Cane Corso is will impact the outcome. What occurred or did not occur between 3 – 12 weeks of age, the dog’s critical imprint period will impact the outcome. These things you cannot control.
My biggest concern is your describing yourself as a dog’s ‘mom’ and your dogs as large ‘babies’ as historically I’ve found this sort of language to be a significant red flag. More so when it’s a supposed companion dog trainer that uses them as they should know better and that they don’t know better is a virtual guarantee they are amateurs and have no business advising companion dog owners.
I’m less harsh in my thinking when it’s a companion dog owner like yourself, but still, it’s a red flag, particularly when the breed in question is one with the potential of a Cane Corso. Additional red flag terms are ‘pet-parent’, and ‘fur-baby’.
You may not think such use of language matters but it most certainly does and for many reasons. How you see yourself and this new Cane Corso will impact the outcome. This is a serious breed of DOG. NOTHING like your previous English Mastiffs. In the right hands, a Cane Corso is a beautiful breed of dog but it’s a Ferrari and not a mini-van. In the wrong hands, it can be a gun with a brain. The Disney movie, ‘The Lady and The Tramp’ was not a dog behavior documentary.
Here is what I was going to say is some recommended reading. Instead, I’m going to suggest mandatory. Some are free articles and other inexpensive e-books that you can download. I would recommend you read all of it before moving forward. You may be just the ticket to turn this dog around but you should know what you’re getting into.
1. Beware The Cuteness Trap – Tips For Cane Corso Puppy Owners
2. DOG TRAINERS! Words Matter – Question The Use of Fur Baby and Pet Parent
3. Fur Baby and Pet Parents
4. Approximately 30 Cane Corso Specific Articles
Inexpensive e-Books
1. What Are The Different (and best) Puppy and Dog Training Methods (ebook) – by John Wade
2. The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes, How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog (e-book) – by John Wade
3. The Beautiful Balance – Dog Training with Nature’s Template (eBook) – by John Wade
4. How to Housetrain a Puppy in 5 Days or Less (eBook) by John Wade (It will probably take longer with this dog as you’re starting late and his start probably wasn’t the best but hard to say without knowing more.)
John ‘Ask The Dog Guy’ Wade
Embracing Science and Common Sense
Hi John, I have a 2 year old cane Corso who has recently become aggressive toward me. This has never happened trough out the time I had him but, he has shown aggression towards other people in my household also before this. We have tried to settle the aggression by more training and discipline but he is just getting worse. Now, I also have other dogs in my house some of who he is fond of and grew up with, and some who were just born puppies. During the time period of me just having the dogs that he grew up with he was a well-trained dog and he listened he showed aggression once and that problem got resolved but, when one of those dogs had puppies he became more aggressive the only people he doesn’t show aggression to is my 12 year old cousin and my 6 year old sister.
Hi Janet,
Sorry, I haven’t updated the entire site to say so, but because I get so much mail, I’ve decided to give response priority in a manner that I can do the most good. That means a shift from providing written replies/articles to people looking for help to asking that they include some video of their dog as well, and permission to use the video in my response, so I can upload a more thorough and accurate response than is possible through the written word.
Sending videos of what your Cane Corso is up to has four major advantages:
1. Actual video of the behavior(s) that you are concerned about vs. a written description can often eliminate a lot of guessing on my end and provide a much clearer idea of what is going on and subsequently make my reply far more likely to be useful to you.
2. My reply video uses your video of your dog as its backdrop to more precisely illustrate what I see and what to do about it. In much the same way coaches use practice and game-play video to improve performance.
3. It’s equally more helpful to others struggling with similar issues.
4. It’s free.
Note: Of course, do not put yourself or anyone else in jeopardy. Instead, provide video of your dog in the lead-up to the problem behavior. Alternatively, being less than responsive to your direction in a typical obedience context. Even that can be more helpful than you might think.
Here’s the link for sending me videos:
Send Video Of Your Dog To Ask The Dog Guy For Input
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
I have a 2 year old cane Corso and I’ve owned English mastiffs, Rottweiler, German Shepard, Australian Shepard, basset hound, and 2 shitzus. I honestly can say that my Mufassa (cane Corso) is the best dog I’ve ever had. Now that I have owned a few guard dog breeds, I tend to know how to raise and train them. But my Mufassa is the most loving, affectionate, and protective I’ve ever had. From experience, the most important thing in raising a dog like this is showing them you are alpha and when training or disciplining, you never back down from them. Be stern , strong, and bull headed just like they are. Remember dog is still an animal, and they go by instinct so don’t forget your family with the dog is a pack and there is a peking order. For example, the little shitzu I have is alpha male and my cane Corso respects even tho he’s the bigger dog but the shitzu was here 1st. Even the cats are a part of the family. The cane Corso is a beautiful and wonderful breed, and highly intelligent but you have to have to have to know how to deal with them. It takes years of having breeds like this to know how to handle.
The only 2 issues that I have with Mufassa is running after something or wondering off on me and not coming back when I call, but he’s getting better the older he gets. The 2nd him pushing thru the door and taking me or others out by the legs. Those are my only complaints. Otherwise the best dog ever.
Oh as far as temperament, which seems to be the guys problem with his Corso, that very well can be from breeding. It’s sad but a lot of breeders breed for size and the temperament is unruly. It’s extremely important to know about the breeders and the dogs blood line. My 2 ND English mastiff was very temperamental and everyone in the house was scared of her except me. These dogs are to big and powerful to not have a handle on them. This guy seriously needs to find a resolution and quick.
A few things to add.
Firstly, experience with guarding breeds and experience with a Cane Corso is similar, but not the same. Doesn’t hurt, but I wouldn’t rely on it. Also, experience with one Cane Corso again doesn’t hurt. However, it at best gives you a hint of the breed and your own dog as opposed to the breed overall.
Secondly, I wouldn’t gauge the influence you have on your own Corso until he’s hit 3 years of age without incident. Right now he’s still a teen and you’re getting an inkling but not necessarily the full picture.
Lastly, the “only 2 issues”, you mention are pretty big issues in any dog, but especially a Cane Corso. He may not be 3, but a 2-year-old Cane Corso is fully capable of having grass stains on the pads of his feet if you tell him to ‘Come’, and his pushing through the door is a bit of a red flag as well depending on which door. If it’s a street-facing door, that’s an area where his genetics can be very easily triggered, so ‘No Matter What’ doorway etiquette is a good idea to instill in the breed, any dog really right from the get-go. If you want help taking the great start you’ve provided and ‘fine-tuning’ him into the dog you want him to be, let me know.
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
So when I mentioned about him pushing his way thru, yes it’s a very big issue. He does it when someone doesn’t give him the command to stay and also when he’s been outside for a long period of time, he tends to just want to be with us. I’ve gotten him over the separation anxiety, staying when told, he’s even starting to listen to my daughter’s commands which surprised considering none of the dogs before mufassa listened to her. He stays in the yard when I tell him to stay, but if I go inside or not pay attention he’ll sneak off. I’ve also gotten him used to being on a leash. As time goes by, he’s getting better and better, and yes it’s time consuming but well worth it. I’ve even gotten him to wear he’s eating and either I or my daughter can go up to him and mess with him and it doesn’t bother him in anyway but I’ve always played around with him when he eats. I also want to add one more thing that I noticed with an ex boyfriend of with mufassa. With my parents , my daughter, and I mufassa is loving affectionate, playful, and listens, but when it came to my ex, mufassa always messed with him, like bitting his toes when he later in bed, or would get up in the bed and lay on top of him and would do little things like he was trying to get under his skin. I use to laugh at it but I realized that the ex was a new edition to the family and it seemed like mufassa and him were fighting for dominance or a spot in the peaking order. He never did any of those things with us. It’s hard to explain but since a puppy, mufassa has a gentle look in his eyes. Also he knows with my mother she’s diabetic and my daughter has cerebral palsy, and even a friend’s husband who has Parkinson and dementia, he jumped in his lap and let him love up on him. I’ve never seen a dog that unturned with people who are disabled or sick. But he surely is highly intelligent out of any of the breeds I’ve had. My rottweiler was so much worse then this breed
I would surely love your help with my mufassa. He’s too good of a dog not to get him to his best. I always love reading about the breed because of all the traits and characteristics I read about I see in him and laugh and get so excited to see all these things in him. Example being a good when he’s spending quality with the family, or sulking when he gets reprimanded, leaning into you or sitting in your lab or my favorite, when he tries to get his sad face on when he wants something. Out of all the breeds I’ve had, he is the most like a toddler and the attitude of a teenager. But I do have so many questions and would be honored if you could help in this journey of making him the best cane Corso he can be
HELP! My daughter rescued a cane Corso who was not well taken care of. We got him at 10 months and he is now 20 months. He has been to dog training for one month and did well. However he is now showing aggressive behaviors in our house causing a lot of stress. My daughter has $6k wrapped up in this dog and is desperately trying to get a handle on his issues. He sometimes shows the behavior over food, sometimes over toys/bones, sometimes in fear (he had a lot of anxiety when we got him). It’s not constant or consistent. She is in constant contact with the trainer. My heart breaks for her as she is trying everything. His aggression can be either growling or snapping (he has made skin contact but releases). Any suggestions?
Hi, ‘Helpless Mom’ (and daughter),
I’d need to know a lot more but in the majority of similar cases, I’ve found that the dog’s owners (and the dog) have not actually been exposed to legitimate training/behavior modification. Below is a copy and paste of something I’ve sent to many Cane Corso owners having similar problems and little success working with someone that ends up being an amateur trainer. (Questions You Should Ask A Dog Trainer – Especially If They’ve Given Themselves A Fancy Title)
Many people get off on the wrong track regarding training and end up with less than satisfying results (or for some, over the longer-term, otherwise avoidable behavior problems) because historically, the guidance they receive from the companion puppy and dog training world, and, or the Internet ‘experts’ is almost always driven not by applicable behavioral science, but by well-meaning, and when looked at objectively – amateur dog trainers, rescue volunteers, etc. that believe because they love dogs, they are qualified to advise how they should be trained. As a result, you will find that in essence, the advice companion puppy and dog owners typically find online or in training classes is more often than not based on pseudo-science and, at best, might lead to learning what should be thought of as a ‘job,’ as a trick. In the end, it doesn’t lead to fulfilling the needs and wants a reasonable companion puppy or dog owner has regarding training, let alone a dog fulfilling their potential.
Without the scientific filters of critical thought and ever vigilant heightened awareness of the dangers of cognitive bias and logical fallacy, they almost now universally encourage companion puppy and dog owners to approach their training as one would teach tricks (with treats). This is in direct contrast to how every higher-order social species (dogs, wolves, apes, humans, etc.) teach life skills. As a result, most dogs end up seeing their owners as loving roommate who shares treats, rather than loving authority figure(s) to teach them how to exert self-control and learn freedom granting life skills such as ‘Stay,’ ‘Come’ and “Heel’ – No Matter What.
The use of pseudo-scientific terminology such as “positive,” “all positive,” or “force-free” as it is used by most well-meaning, but still amateur companion dog trainers is to tacitly (or all too often overtly) imply that any other approach to companion dog training must by default only, or predominantly be “negative” or “pain/punishment” (‘Might Is Right,’ Alpha, Pack Leader, Dominant (Yank and Crank) based. Some equally amateur trainers indeed use such ‘might is right’ methods, and companion dog owners should avoid them. However, fortunately, there is a better, more natural, and easier way to shape the behavior of a companion dog.
As to “positive,” “all positive,” or “force-free” reinforcement methods,”; imagine the outcome if any higher-order social species (dogs, wolves, apes, humans, etc.) attempted to teach life skills for the real world in such a manner. Even changing a diaper would prove impossible. This common misguided approach to companion dog training is why so few companion dog owners end up with a dog that can do more than a short trick. The negative impact of such a ‘unary,’ or at best ‘binary’ approach to behavior modification is often more frequent and magnified in a multi-dog household.
The approach should be driven by legitimate behavioral science, whether the goal is to teach essential life skills such as ‘Stay,’ ‘Come,’ and “Heel’ or to resolve minor to serious behavior problems. An integral component of this approach and ironically widely misunderstood by both the amateur dog training ‘’All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free/Never Say No/R+…’, treat, treat, treat,’ and ‘Might Is Right,’ Alpha, Pack Leader, Dominant (Yank and Crank) worlds is the nature of the relationship. In every higher-order social species, the teacher:student relationship (in the context of teaching life-skills) is that of a loving authority figure, and not that of ‘room mates’ as is the case in the treat based approaches, or dominant/submissive as is found in the ‘Might Is Right’ approach.
Legitimate behavioral science has taught us that when a dog lives with and learns from someone they’ve been given every reason to perceive as a loving authority figure, they learn life skills more readily and develop fewer behavior problems. This should come as no surprise to anyone that has raised or observed the successful raising of a child that the child’s loving authority figure (parents, teachers, mentors) embraces an – almost always all-positive approach and never an all-positive approach or ‘Might Is Right’ approach. When they are not using positivity (approval, not bribery), the loving authority figure approaches the concept of “No” so that the ‘student’ comes away understanding that they are not bad, their teacher isn’t bad. Still, the behavior is undesired and should be replaced with another. This is as true of dogs, wolves, apes, and all other higher-order social species as it is in the human world. It is only in the amateur dog training world that it has been decided that the canine species must be taught their life skills in an entirely different manner.
Let me know if you want me to send some information as to how I work with these sorts of dogs.
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
I have a 2 year old cane corso. He is aggressive towards other people and dogs . I’ve done my best at socializing him early as a puppy. He is a lovable dog, very sweet to my husband and I and my mom and dad. I’ve bonded with him for the past two years. What is there to do so he can be an approachable dog without being aggressive towards everybody and dogs ?
Hi Stephanie,
Good news, bad news. Bad news first.
You can’t change the nature of any dog, regardless of breed from the perspective of the aspects of behavior it was bred for. Well-bred retrievers, herders, and guard dogs are going to have the drives they were bred for. There’s a saying I’ve always been fond of, “You don’t have to teach a good hunting dog to hunt, you have to teach them to stop hunting. I’d need to know more about what’s going on with your Cane Corso but in my experience, the problem is usually more that people that purchase them are often misled by breeders and the cognitive bias aspect of search engine algorithms to downplay the Ferrari crossed with a dump trunk aspect of the Cane Corso guarding breed and other similar Molossers.
Now, the good news. While you can’t change the nature of a breed, you can, with appropriate training teach a well bred, correctly socialized high-drive dog how to respect you enough to exert self-control and you out of respect for them not be exposing them to things that require them to constantly suppress their natural instincts.
You can’t get away with this sort of breed as far as approach to training, maintenance of that training, and environmental influences like you might with a Golden Retriever. You bought a Ferrari, crossed with a dump truck and you need to learn how to train, handle, and manage it. It’s very hard for people to find legitimate training assistance for a Golden Retriever these days let alone a Cane Corso. Let me know if you’d like some information on how I have helped other Cane Corso owners in similar situations. ([email protected])
Also, here are some articles related to what I mentioned above regarding how potential Cane Corso owners are often misled:
The Problem With Cane Corso Breeders That Potential Owners And Everyone That Loves The Breed Should Know About
Questions To Ask The Breeder Or A Rescue Before Deciding This Is Where You Want To Get A Dog
Questions You Should Ask A Dog Trainer – Especially If They’ve Given Themselves A Fancy Title
– John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
(Don’t forget! If you find that the many free resources on this site inform, save you time and, or money, click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees
We adopted a Cane Corso about six months ago. He is about 14 months old. We had a Rottie bull mastiff mix that we had to put down who came from a similar background which made us want to adopt this Cane Corso. I knew about the breed and was hesitant because I knew the time and work that would need to be put into him. He has an abusive past. Spent his whole life in a cage. We also have an American bully rescue. Tonka is great; we hired a behaviorist to work with us right from the jump. For the most part, he listens well (except when he is very excited); getting his attention then is a little bit more difficult.
He is very sweet, follows me everywhere, and has to be in the same room with me always. We practice his commands daily, and when given treats or food, he waits for me to tell him he can eat. We have worked really hard with him. He’s loved every person he’s met. The issue we have is that when in previous homes, he had a shock collar abscess to his neck; for a while, it took some time for him to be ok with touching the back of his neck and putting a collar on. He now associates the collar with a walk and treats and has no issue with his neck. He does not like his feet touched. If there is something near his paws that you grab, he doesn’t like it growls, runs away, then comes up to you, licking you. When in his cage, he used to have chihuahuas attack his Paws through his cage, and people spray him with water. So maybe that has something to do with it? When laying on me and I’m petting him, he is fine; it’s the quick movement of your hands. We’re working on this. He is also very, very energetic. I walk him daily. We live in the middle of nowhere, so we are constantly outside. I’m hiding treats around for him to find; I have a flirt pole.
Let me just say I have no doubt he could kill me if he wanted to. I am aware of this. He has come such a long way, and every day we work with him. Seeing his progress is very rewarding, but I know we still have a long way to go. He may be closer to 17 months. We don’t really know. I just want to know if their energy level out. The behaviorist we hired is very reputable. She trains police dogs and has a boot camp for dogs being euthanized bc of aggression issues. She also has 5 African Boerboels.
Question do they ever calm down? We’ve taught him not to rush the door when we get home and to wait for us to call him over. So he waits, but he shakes and wiggles because he’s excited to see us, but when we call him over, he’s so excited and happy that even stepping on my feet, he leaves giant bruises. I Love him so much. But will he ever calm down? Lol
I’m going to play devil’s advocate a bit here because with any rescue Cane Corso the stakes are high, and with the dog breeding and training worlds being what they are, it is hard for companion dog owners to get legitimate guidance. Nevertheless, take the following with a grain of salt. I don’t have all the facts.
Firstly, I always get a little worried when someone tells me the trainer they’re relying on is calling themselves a behaviorist. 999 times out of 1,000, this is a red flag that the trainer may be more about marketing than knowledge. Here’s an article on the topic QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK A DOG TRAINER – ESPECIALLY IF THEY’VE GIVEN THEMSELVES A FANCY TITLE. Anyone experienced in the world of canine behavior knows that the term animal behaviorist is reserved for very few. Here’s a section from that article:
Dog Trainer Says: “I Am An ‘Animal Behaviorist” – CATEGORIZE AS: POTENTIALLY MISLEADING.
“Animal Behaviorist is a legitimate title and no small thing to acquire. However, it seems it is a title used by more people that haven’t earned the right to use it vs. those that often do use it yet haven’t earned the right. One must have completed a post-graduate education in which they received a Masters or a Ph.D. in a behavioral science, or DVM or VMD degree with a behavioral residency. Overall, however, when used in the context of companion dog training, it’s still potentially misleading considering the number of animals that fall under the umbrella of ‘Animal Behaviorist’, (Canidae (Wolf, Coyote, Fox, Domesticated Dog), Feline, Equine, Bovine, Cetacean, Psittacidae, and 200+ other socially-oriented mammalian species). Each, it should be noted, with its own uniquely evolutionarily influenced behavioral characteristics. It seems an extremely broad ‘Jack Of All Trades, Master of None’ designation. Even human psychologists and psychiatrists working with a single species found in order to be effective, they have to specialize in categories based on age and an enormous range of behavioral problems.”
So, when some lies or knowingly misleads me about one thing, what else are they going to bend the truth about? Well, since I’m asking if I had a dime for every time a trainer claimed to train police dogs and it turned out that they either didn’t or their involvement was so peripheral as to be insignificant, I’d have a lot of dimes. In any event, the approach that many if not most police K9’s take to their training normally leans more towards the ‘Might Is Right’, Alpha, Pack Leader, Dominant (Yank and Crank) approach, so I’d need to know a lot more about this particular credential before exposing my Cane Corso to their guidance.
Another flag, not necessarily a red one, let’s say a yellow flag is the 5 African Boerboels. Why? The average person wouldn’t have time for one of this breed, let alone five. Combine that with running a boot camp for dogs that are ground shaky enough that euthanasia is on the table, and you have to wonder how much of this person’s life revolves around dogs in a manner I’ve seen all too often in the dog training world that distances them from understanding the day to day reality that is yours.
The reason I’m expressing some concern regarding the legitimacy or appropriateness of who you’ve selected as a trainer (remember, take it with a grain of salt, I don’t have all the information, and I’m just trying to be helpful in a devil’s advocate sort of way) is that you said, “we hired a behaviorist to work with us right from the jump”. That’s six months, and yet:
• “He listens well (except when he is very excited); getting his attention then is a little bit more difficult.”
• “We practice his commands daily, and when given treats or food, he waits for me to tell him he can eat.”
• “When laying on me and I’m petting him, he is fine; it’s the quick movement of your hands.”
• “He does not like his feet touched.”
• “I have a flirt pole.“
Six months in, at his age, I wouldn’t expect his ‘Stay,’ ‘Come’ and “Heel’ to be No Matter What (reliable) off property, but six months in, at his age, if you’re using a proper approach, he should be civilized enough inside your home that he can meet and greet immediate family members, not need treats or a flirt pole.
Flirt poles can be used in a variety of ways, most of them unnecessary in my view, but one manner is a means to help a dog to learn to exercise its ’suck it up muscle.’ In other words, teach the dog how to take it down a notch when told to do so. I use a tug for this purpose, but again, six months in, and you’re still struggling with his greeting/enthusiasm. If by now he hasn’t learned via an approach that helps him understand that he isn’t bad, you’re not bad, but being an uninvited juggernaut is bad; something is off in your approach.
I’m glad you’re investing in training time, but all too often, in the amateur training world (I’m not saying they are not good at self-promotion, just that talking the talk is one thing, walking the walk is another.), they train in a manner that is more about teaching life skills as tricks. For example, getting him to wait for his food is a trick. Waiting on a mat until you’re ready to greet him when you come in the door is a life skill. You don’t aim at the stomach in legitimate life skill training. You base it on relationships. Most dogs end up thinking their owners are roommates.
Companion dog training that’s based on legitimate behavioral science leads to the understanding that you’re a proven loving authority and that appeals to the average Cane Corso more than food.
John Wade (www.askthedogguy.com)
PS Don’t forget if you find that the many free resources I provide companion dog owners via Ask The Dog Guy website (www.askthedogguy.com) and elsewhere (YouTube, newsletter, etc.) inform, save you time and, or money why not buy me a coffee? Click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees
PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)
These are great dogs. Not for everyone. We have 10 acres fenced and are dedicated to our family. If he is not neutered we are prepared to manage the responsibility. Obviously you would have the opportunity to interact with him and his family anytime. Kelowna BC. Text 250.300.7529
I have a 6 month old male Cane Corse, unneutered. Household is me, wife, son, and dog. This is my 2nd male Cane and I’ve owned boxers most of my life. For context my son and I take on the more disciplinary role for the dog and wife does as well, but due to a past experience will not put herself in the situation where she may get growled/snapped on, and everyone works with training/commands.
As a smaller puppy, he did not have food aggression, that was until we introduced soft food mixed with his hard food (about 3.5 months). Ever since then he growls and will snap if I put my hand near his head while eating (stopped with the soft); my 18 year old son could pet his head while eating until now, now he gets growled at as well. The pup also growls when I put my hand near his muzzle when he’s tired, it started with only myself when he was extremely tired from a long day but now is when he’s just a little tired (same situation with son, no response until just a couple weeks ago, now similar to me). I do correct him and when I call him away from the situation that stressed him, he becomes very submissive, but will still growl/snap if put in the same position (example: he growled, I moved him, he crawled under my leg with head down, I pet him until he was dozing, then I touched his nose and he growled/snapped at me). I can feed him by hand for half a meal and can hold his food bowl in my hands while eating, but as soon as I put it down and touch him, he tenses up prepared to growl/snap if I get too close to his nose.
Besides those 2 situations, he’s a great puppy, happy and obeys as well as you’d expect from a dog his age with casual owner training.
Any advice?
Hi Josh,
You have a real problem in the making. Can you imagine in your wildest dreams that your six-month-old Cane Corso would react as you’ve described if his mother went near the food bowl? There are at least two possibilities here. I’ve seen resource-guarding cases where, no matter the approach, the dog’s instinctive behavior is so strong that it couldn’t be reversed. I suspect in a lot of cases that this has something to do with how poor a job most breeders do in the follow-up department of breeding dogs. Most people never hear from a breeder once their check is cleared. I think this is one of the reasons that there’s been such a surprising increase in severe resort guarding among golden retrievers.
However, in most resource guarding cases, it’s due to using an approach to training and living with the dog that has led the dog to believe that the relationship with the humans they live with is as roommates, as opposed to perceiving the humans in the household as loving authority figures. I’d get on this right away. Avoid any trainer that embraces the ridiculous ideology of ‘All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free/Never Say No/R+…’, treat, treat, treat or “Might Is Right,” Alpha, Pack Leader, Dominant (Yank and Crank). Here are two articles for you to read:
1. Canine Resource Guarding in a Nutshell
2. Questions You Should Ask A Dog Trainer – Especially If They’ve Given Themselves A Fancy Title
A potential third possibility would be tied into how frequently you started feeding him when he was eight weeks of age and what you were feeding him, and how frequently you’re feeding him now and again what you’re feeding him now.
– John “Ask The Dog Guy” Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense
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We have a 19 month old Corso. He’s pretty chill most of the time. There have been a few occasions where he has acted aggressively towards our Bully XL with no provocation. One second things are chill then it’s an explosion of violence between them. We’ve had him since he was 3 months old and got him from a licensed breeder. Tonight he acted aggressively towards me. I stood my ground while my fiance got him leashed and put him in the bedroom. I’ve never seen one act like this. I’m willing to try any suggestions to remedy this. He is my fiance’s dog and she’s a wreck right now thinking he has something chemically wrong with his brain to have him turn on me. We have him on Prozac, and we moved about 3 weeks ago. But the aggression towards our Bully has happened prior to the move. We need help please.
Hi Neal,
I’d need to ask a lot more questions, but considering the breed, the age, the gender, it’s likely that your Cane Corso has lost sight of who’s living in whose house as opposed to being chemically unbalanced. It’s a pretty common problem, and if it is what I think it is, Prozac will have little to no impact. He needs clearer, stronger leadership. You may or may not have the means to supply that leadership. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad dog owner or he’s a bad dog. It means your girlfriend purchased a Ferrari and treated it like a mini-van. I’d highly recommend booking an appointment with me so I can learn more and provide guidance as to whether he’s a good or bad match for you and how to help him understand the two of you aren’t roommates of his and you’re loving authority figures. Send me an email to do this. [email protected]
– John “Ask The Dog Guy” Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense
Visit http://www.askthedogguy.com For A Free Weekly Newsletter
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PS Don’t forget if you find that the many free resources I provide companion dog owners via Ask The Dog Guy website (http://www.askthedogguy.com) and elsewhere (YouTube, newsletter, etc.) inform, save you time and, or money, why not buy me a coffee? Click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees
PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)