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About John

About John

Probably the best way to get to know me is by reading a few of my columns. You’ll find I enjoy working with dog owners as much as I like working with dogs and I have a sense of humor of sorts.


I have a column syndicated with Sun Media with an overall circulation of over 6 million readers. It runs in Ottawa, Toronto, London, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary, Kingston. I’ve written a few book, the most popular being ‘The Beautiful Balance – Dog Training with Nature’s Template’. I’ve also been published in Dogs in Canada, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ‘Animals’ Voice’. Mom and Caregiver.


I’ve acted as a consultant to law enforcement, animal control, humane societies and most recently Canada Post in policies pertaining to and the handling of dangerous dogs. I was involved in development of their safety program and I am featured in the video used for training letter carriers across Canada.


One of the things I enjoy most in my career are speaking engagements. Not only do I get to travel a bit, I get to share some knowledge and inflict my sense of humor on an audience.


I’ve been fortunate to be have participated in the education of a number of veterinary students from the Ontario Veterinary College. In their last year of training they are allowed an elective program and I have been able to take on several over the last few years, hopefully better equipping them to understand the behavior of dogs.


I offer training through a few avenues. I do a few private sessions each week and I take on a couple of dogs each week from near and far that think “Heel” is something that breaks off a shoe. I do scheduled telephone consultations as well.

CommunityRotary Club of London South

I have been an active member of the London South Rotary Club for several years and chaired the community service committee and now serve on that committee as well as volunteer in other capacities


 I trained Diefenbaker a Siberian Husky/Wolf Hybrid for an award winning television (numerous Geminis) series called Due South which has achieved near cult status long after the last episode aired. I wrote the FAQ section for Rolf C. Hagen’s dog food division, Nutrience. I’ve done work for the courts and assessments for Children’s Aid. I have also assessed fighting dogs seized by the S.P.C.A. and held training seminars for the same organization province wide. I’ve been a guest on local and national television shows for many years and produced and hosted Pet Talk with John Wade radio show as well.

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